I have been deeply interested in the picture of MTB 670 displayed on 3rd March 2012 showing deprived of her armament but interestingly I was looking at the radar aerial on the top of her mast that may be of the 1950 vintage There was some discussion on these points back in 2012 and whether the phot...
...........I am wondering if anyone has any knowledge of which boat my late father served on. His name is Ian Austin and came from Johannesburg, South Africa............ Hello, You could apply for his service record through the link below. Service record should show bases and tenders but they are n...
Hello - cannot help with movements but if you look at casualty database on the home page you can look up MTB 665 and there are a number of casualties for August 1943. Refer to https://cfv.org.uk/research/personnel/casualty/database and under unit select MTB then scroll down to number. HTH
Regarding Hugh Somerville Cassidy. Lieutenant RANVR, ... My specific enquiries are more of a personal nature which would probably only be known by his immediate family........ I may be missing something but the original poster of this thread was @cassje who stated that Hugh Cassidy was their father...
Hello Retr,
Well spotted. Sorry I do not have any additional information. My father died in 2002 and as I have said previously it was his medals record that tied him to the photos. Good Luck with the photo enhancement.
My father was Joseph Pellington who served on 751, I know very little about what he got up as he died when I was a child. I have a citation about his MID and a white ensign that my uncles told me came off his ship?! I am pretty sure he served on two MTB's - if anyone can fill in some blanks I would...
The three boats and their officers would have been: MTB 634 (S.O. Lt.Cdr. T. Bligh DSO, DSC) MTB 651 (Lt. W.E.A. Blount DSC) MTB 670 (Lt. E. Hewitt, DSC) Thanks for that confirmation Admin. My father was a telegraphist on MTB 670 at the time.These photos were in his album Patrol type German `E' boa...
Hello Chine, Very interesting photos. My late father was a telegraphist on MTB 670 at about the time your grandfather was on MGB 658. The following is an extract from information I was given in another thread and seems to tie in with one of the actions admin referred to previously. I have posted a f...
Somebody more experienced in these matters will no doubt comment shortly but Beehive and Victory were shore bases. You really need to get hold of service record - this link may be of interest. http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20140805133045/http://www.veterans-uk.info/service_records/royal_...
.........both my father and I would like to know more about him, as he died before my father was born. You may find his service record has some useful information. If you follow this link http://www.veterans-uk.info/service_records/royal_navy.html it shows you procedure/requirements. It does take a...
Hello Cam, I confess I have not looked at this for sometime as I could not find any further information. I have even had to read back through the post to refresh my memory. I don't recall finding an actual report of the action only the reference to the citation. I will keep looking in my records. Yo...
Welcome - start posting those photos I'm sure they will attract a lot of attention. My father was on ML563 - close but not enough. The following appears in the database Fairmile Motor Launch (B ML) Length: 112' Builder's Yard: L Cardnel, Maylandsea, Essex Completion Date: 20th October 1942 Loss or D...
Hello, If he was Royal Navy you could try to get his service record but you would need a bit more information as in NI number and service number. Was there any documentation with the medal which may give a number. This link would help you along that route : http://www.veterans-uk.info/service_record...
This link should set you on the right route to your dad's record but there are other routes. Note: it takes a few weeks and they will only release to next of kin- it's all in the text.
Hi Terry, Welcome aboard as they say. Thanks for info - hope the photo I posted is a good likenesss of your dad. I am going to re-check the album (my mother has it at the moment) I vaguely recall the caption said `Lofty Turner on 6 pounder' which ties in with his role. I think @Croatian Navy has don...
Hi Darren, Good to hear from you. I had rather given up on finding any further information. My dad died 10 years ago (aged 79) and it was only afterwards that I became aware of his photo album. I have posted a number of those photos on this forum and they included the one of 'Lofty' Turner which had...
Further to Admins comments - do we have a time slot for this photo. I believe that my photos were taken between Oct `44 and July `45 - these being the dates written on my father's medal record. As I stated initially his actual service record did not record him on MTB 670 but on ML563 until July 45 b...