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by Doreen
Fri Apr 05, 2019 1:25 pm
Forum: Personnel
Topic: Pilot Vessel No.4 - sunk 28/11/1940
Replies: 44
Views: 189909

Re: Pilot Vessel No.4 - sunk 28/11/1940

Hello, my efforts were thwarted just like yours - the only place I found any information was from Greenwich a super lady there found the death notice for my father and forwarded it to me, it is an almost exact copy of the one already shown on this site, even to" not to be entered on the ROH per...
by Doreen
Thu Mar 21, 2019 5:32 pm
Forum: Personnel
Topic: Pilot Vessel No.4 - sunk 28/11/1940
Replies: 44
Views: 189909

Re: Pilot Vessel No.4 - sunk 28/11/1940

Thank you all for this site and your information on Pilot Vessel No. 4 lost om 28th November 1940 My father was Albert Edward Spurrier not Spurriet -but when I saw his name acknowledged after all this time and my years of searching for information, it was emotional but wonderful. When, via Greenwich...

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