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by elaine.hutson
Mon Oct 14, 2024 12:12 am
Forum: Motor Torpedo Boats
Topic: MTB 682 Operating From Mantis
Replies: 8
Views: 26302

Re: MTB 682 Operating From Mantis

Hi Jem, Nice to meet you! My Dad isn't in your picture. (Lovely photo by the way - they all look healthy and happy!) He left 682 some time in September/October '44, and by November he was in the Med, posted to ML581. I believe that during Dad's time in the Med, out of HMS Gregale in Malta, 581 was d...
by elaine.hutson
Sat Jul 24, 2021 8:07 am
Forum: Motor Torpedo Boats
Topic: MTB 682 Operating From Mantis
Replies: 8
Views: 26302

Re: MTB 682 Operating From Mantis

I have another known member of the crew of MTB 682: my Dad, Philip Arthur Hutson. MTB 682 is written clearly on his service record. He was MTB 682's Oerlikon gunner from 12/6/43 to 2/10/44. This I found out in 2002, when I started to research his war service. I've picked it up again (now that I've r...

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