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by Mr.Spigot
Thu Oct 17, 2024 9:17 am
Forum: Actions & Operations
Topic: Ijmuiden E-boat bunker under threat of demolition
Replies: 0
Views: 5083

Ijmuiden E-boat bunker under threat of demolition

I have learned that the large bunker at Ijmuiden (Schnellbootbunker) is under threat of demolition. This bunker housed German E-boats during WW2 and was where MTB 666 was towed after its capture in 1944 and subsequently exploded, destroying several E-boats moored alongside. It was visited by MTB 500...
by Mr.Spigot
Wed Oct 02, 2024 6:10 pm
Forum: Motor Torpedo Boats
Topic: MTB 5009 crew photos
Replies: 9
Views: 32657

Re: MTB 5009 crew photos

Hello Tim, I too have just seen your post. I wondered if your father remembered my father-in-law, Allan Robinson? He is also in the photos. I have some extracts from his dairy from his time on 5009 which your father may be interested in. Please contact me if you would like me to send them. Best wish...
by Mr.Spigot
Sat Oct 14, 2023 12:38 pm
Forum: Motor Torpedo Boats
Topic: MTB 723
Replies: 1
Views: 11073

MTB 723

I recently acquired a rare photo of MTB 723 off Ebay. The photo is very small (3" x 2 1/4") but I have scanned and enlarged it to hopefully make it clearer.
by Mr.Spigot
Mon Mar 06, 2023 11:35 pm
Forum: Motor Torpedo Boats
Topic: MTB 666
Replies: 9
Views: 37008

Re: MTB 666

I have taken an interest in MTB 666 as my father-in-law Allan Robinson served on MTB 723 and was involved in the action in which 666 was lost. He also came across the remains of 666 in Ijmuiden in May 1945 when, as crew on MTB 5009 he visited the port and took a piece of wood from it and carved it i...
by Mr.Spigot
Tue Feb 28, 2023 6:03 pm
Forum: Personnel
Topic: Medal record interpretation AB Allan Guy Robinson
Replies: 5
Views: 24008

Re: Medal record interpretation AB Allan Guy Robinson

I have carried out some further research and discovered that the 'R' under the France & Germany Star indicates that a clasp only was awarded. Due to British uniform regulations, neither the France & Germany Star nor the Air Crew Europe Star would be worn by a recipient of the Atlantic Star. ...
by Mr.Spigot
Sun Feb 26, 2023 6:02 pm
Forum: Personnel
Topic: Medal record interpretation AB Allan Guy Robinson
Replies: 5
Views: 24008

Medal record interpretation AB Allan Guy Robinson

I have received a copy of my father-in-law's record entitlement from a Royal Navy search and need some help in interpreting it - a copy is attached. Firstly, it has ticks under 4 medals, presumably denoting entitlement, but only the letter 'R' under the France & Germany Star - what does this mea...
by Mr.Spigot
Sat Nov 05, 2022 10:44 am
Forum: Motor Torpedo Boats
Topic: MTB 5009 crew photos
Replies: 9
Views: 32657

Re: MTB 5009 crew photos

I was fascinated to read this and also to recognise my late Father-in-law, Allan Robinson, who served on 723 and 5009. In the first photo he is sitting at the front to the left of the lifebelt with his arms folded and in the second one of the 5009 crew he is in the second row, 2nd from the left. He ...

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