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by Jonathant
Mon Jan 06, 2025 4:02 pm
Forum: General Organisation
Topic: Coastal Forces Insignia
Replies: 0
Views: 2298

Coastal Forces Insignia

Can anyone confirm if the Coastal Forces had any specific insignia a) for the CF as a whole b) for any of the Bases e.g. HMS Hornet and c) if any of the Flotilla's had their own badges/emblems/insignia - i have seen one for the 23rd based on the Free French Cross of Lorraine for example. The bullion...
by Jonathant
Wed Nov 27, 2024 11:00 am
Forum: Motor Launches
Topic: 7th Motor Launch Flotilla - Dartmouth
Replies: 0
Views: 3006

7th Motor Launch Flotilla - Dartmouth

I am interested in the history and boats of the 7th Motor Launch Flotilla based in Dartmouth in 1941-?43? (they are not recorded in the April 1944 Redbook). 4 of the 7th Flotilla's MLs (156, 160, 177, 270) were taken on Operation Chariot at the last minute, and many of their crews were decorated. An...
by Jonathant
Mon Nov 25, 2024 1:03 pm
Forum: General Organisation
Topic: Coastal Defence Forces at Dartmouth
Replies: 5
Views: 3416

Re: Coastal Defence Forces at Dartmouth - Base Name

It would be good to understand the implications of the difference names for Dartmouth as a Coastal Forces Base, as it appears to have changed through the war. While Dover was a base from Sept 1940, Dartmouth appears to have been incorporated to CF later in May 1941.. is that accurate/significant? Fr...
by Jonathant
Mon Nov 25, 2024 12:51 pm
Forum: General Organisation
Topic: Coastal Defence Forces at Dartmouth
Replies: 5
Views: 3416

Re: Coastal Defence Forces at Dartmouth

Thank you very much indeed. What you have sent is invaluable. I have still to look at the diaries which also look fascinating. I am afraid that this will uncover more questions which i hope the forum will find interesting and build our knowledge of what happened in Dartmouth during the war from a CF...
by Jonathant
Sat Nov 23, 2024 2:35 pm
Forum: General Organisation
Topic: Coastal Defence Forces at Dartmouth
Replies: 5
Views: 3416

Re: Coastal Defence Forces at Dartmouth

Thanks for your very fast response! It is very much appreciated, and this information will be very helpful context for us, to know Units and if possible the dates, so we can understand how many boats were in the harbour, roughly, at any point in the war. Some Flotillas visited for a short time, some...
by Jonathant
Fri Nov 22, 2024 8:26 pm
Forum: General Organisation
Topic: Coastal Defence Forces at Dartmouth
Replies: 5
Views: 3416

Coastal Defence Forces at Dartmouth

I am researching Coastal Defences Forces at Dartmouth/HMS Cicala, with a focus on the Flotillas of MGB/MTBs. We are familiar with 15th Flotilla and the 23rd Flotilla - the Free French, but there are many more mentioned with connections to Dartmouth: the 12th: for 3 months training vs submarine nets?...

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