Coastal Forces Veterans - Registration

Important Notice

This forum runs on the phpBB3 forum software, and uses the reCaptcha v3 system to block new forum registrations considered suspicious, and likely those of automated spammers. Unlike a system of choosing images of a certain type, this system is invisible and designed to work in the background using metrics of its own to determine matters. However some legitimate users are finding their attempts at registration blocked.

If you would like to join but are experiencing difficulties, then please contact us directly via email at, confirming the email address you want to use, and the user name you wish to go by, and we will aim to set up an account for you manually within hours.

Welcome to Coastal Forces Veterans

The Coastal Forces Veterans Forum forum is intended to function as a research tool for users to share or seek information on the subject of Coastal Forces, its personnel, boats, bases or theatres of operations. Please do not post any spam or commercial links, nor engage in any harmul or illegal activity. The board is monitored on a regular basis, and spammer accounts together with their messgages are deleted to keep the forum clear for our users to enjoy.

There is the facility within the board to sign up for notifications for topics or posts you are particularly interested in.