Coastal Forces Veterans have learned of the death of Roy Wickham, on 24 February, 2024 aged 99. Roy was just a few weeks shy of his 100th Birthday on 17 March this year.
The membership lists records him as an AB/Radar on MTBs 348 and 504, and that he earned a Mention in Despatches. MTB 348 was part of the third iteration of the 11th MTB Flotilla based at HMS Beehive, Felixstowe. MTB 504 was part of the 36th MTB Flotilla based at HMS Beehive, and HMS Attack at Portland.
Roy’s funeral will be held at 15:00 on Friday 5 April at the Harbour View Crematorium in Poole. The details will appear on Tapper Funeral Director’s website soon.
Lest we forget