MTB 650

Motor Torpedo Boats (MTB)
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MTB 650

Postby RogerFentem » Wed Aug 12, 2020 10:32 am

I read today, 12.08.2020, of the acquisition of the Dry Dock in Appledore which will be used to safely restore S130. Much is made of the restoration of the E boat. Are there any Dogs around that could sit proudly with the rival? In particular does anyone know what happened to MTB650 of the 55th Flotilla that had such success the Channel. Post hostilities, she was converted to LRRC004 serving in Newlyn then the Med. Eventually arriving on the Suez canal at Fanara as a luxurious houseboat for the RAF officers stationed there. After that I know nothing of her. Help needed.

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Re: MTB 650

Postby Pioneer » Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:59 pm

Hello RogerFentem
Thank you for the Post, you have added a little further info on MTB 650, I was not aware that she had travelled to the Suez and ended up as a 'luxurious Houseboat', do you have any further details ie Houseboat name?
Sadly no survivors of the famous 'D' are known to exist, the rumour of one surviving somewhere in Sth America did not bear fruit, while a proposed 'new build' fell by the wayside even though some funds had been generated.
Thanks again

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Re: MTB 650

Postby RogerFentem » Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:20 pm

Sincere appolgies, 650 did become a long range rescue craft for the RAF, but LRRC 020 not 004 which was the fate of MTB5006 (another of my grandfather's Dog boats). The older boats of the 55th Flotilla were either paid off or recommissionedafter the pounding they had taken protecting the Eastern flank from E-boats. MTB650 was recommissioned and in the guise of LRRC020 sailed with the 101 ASRMCU sporting the Blue Ensign along with LRRC006, 007, 008, 011, 017, and 021. They were intended for Burma, fortunately hostilities ended and so the unit was stopped in the Med. They went on to Suez and were converted into houseboats for the RAF personnel serving at Fanara post war. There are a couple of pictres in Geoffrey Pilborough's "History of the Royal Air Force Marine Craft" vol 3. It is rather a forelorn hope of mine that something might remain of these houseboats but ...I do not know what names the houseboat conversions were given - if any.

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Re: MTB 650

Postby Admin » Thu Sep 12, 2024 10:03 am

These photos of MTB 650 are derived from ADM 199/2445 — Notes on Coastal Forces HMS Excellent — held at the National Archives. They are part of a set of photos whose primary focus is the armament of various Coastal Forces boats, in particular gun armament, ready ammunition lockers and provision for rockets or flares.

MTB 650 view of lower torpedo tube
The accompanying note for this photo reads:
Forward 6-pdr Mk VII with 2" Rocket Flare Projector
6-pdr R.U. locker not yet angled outboard
Rocket Flare racks not yet fitted
Gangway aft over tube

MTB 650 view from bridge forward
The accompanying note for this photo reads:
Forward 6-pdr Mk VII with 2" Rocket Flare Projector
Mine-rails and Depth charges on another MTB

This photo is derived from ADM 267/37 MTBs 630 & 650 Shell & Machine Gun Damage

MTB 650 shell damage

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