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My own library

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 7:15 pm
by Croatian Navy
Threw many years I collect a lots of interesting lierature about ww2 on Adriatic Sea.
So, I have these books:

Flag 4
MGB 658
Dogs Boat
Mediterranean MTBs at War
Fairmile D - Anatomy of the ship

Afrika Flottille (book about German 3. Schnellbootsflottila)
Auf Verlorenem Posten (book about German TA-ships on Aegean and Adriatic)

Naoruzani brodovi mornarice NOVJ (book about Yugoslav partizans boat in ww2)

I also have almost all German War Navy diaries about Adriatic.

If anybody know also some good book about this topic?

Also, who can help me to get original Royal Navy war diaries about Adriatic.

Re: My own library

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:14 pm
by Admin
The only one I am aware of at the moment is:

Rum and Raki: War in the Eastern Adriatic 1939-1945; War in a Narrow Sea by Charles W Koburger, Jr (2003)

I am not entirely sure though if this publication, which is more a brief monograph than a book, ever had an actual publisher. Other works of his have been published by Praeger, who are part of the ABC Clio group.

I will scan his bibliography for you later, where you may pick up some leads for other books on the subject.

Re: My own library

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 1:10 pm
by Croatian Navy
That would be nice.

There is a lots of good texts about ww2 but not in form of book but in form of some private editions etc.