MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Motor Torpedo Boats (MTB)
Innes McCartney
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MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby Innes McCartney » Thu Jul 19, 2012 1:49 pm

Hello to all

I hope that someone on this forum may be able to help with a research question.

I would like to make contact with anyone who served in or has knowledge of the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla, which was made up of 3 (I believe) MTBs including MTB 737. I have a couple of technical questions relating to my doctoral research.

many thanks

Innes McCartney
Department of Applied Sciences, Bournemouth University

Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:59 pm

Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby lewisw2004 » Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:45 pm

Hello! my father Lewis Stephen Waller served with the 66th. mine sweeping flotilla as c.p.o. and mentioned in despatches. MTB 760. My research tells me the flotilla consisted of MTBs 760 753 and 733 (senior officer Lieutenant N.G.Kennedy). I have varios bits and pieces concerning those particular boats. If you require any further details please give me a call. Kindest Regards, Lewis Waller.

Brian Holmes
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Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby Brian Holmes » Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:16 pm

I have this down as the 66th MTB Flotilla which consiste of MTB 731, MTB 733, MTB 737, MTB 747, MTB 750, MTB 752, MTB 757, MTB 760

MTB_737 J S Doig (Grimsby) Ltd 5/44
For minesweeping and rescue work in Le Havre during 1945 (Gazette Date - 13/11/45)
DSM CMtrMch John Robert Gibbs P/MX117094

Known Crew
CMtrMch John Robert Gibbs P/MX117094

Wartime Activities
8/44 66th MTB Flotilla
MTB 731, MTB 733, MTB 737, MTB 747, MTB 750, MTB 752, MTB 757, MTB 760
Based at Portland, Plymouth and Ramsgate
1945 Minesweeping and rescue work in Le Havre (Gazette Date - 13/11/45)

Post War Fate
1945 Loaned to Brighton Nautical Training College

Brian Holmes
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Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby Brian Holmes » Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:17 pm

MTB_731 Alex Robertson (Yachtbuilders) & Sons Ltd, Sandbank, Scotland 7/44

For minesweeping and rescue work in Le Havre during 1945 (Gazette Date - 13/11/45)
MID CMtrMch John Walters Heayel P/MX125731

Known Crew
TLt W H Drabble RNVR Commanding Officer 6/5/44
TSLt Geoffrey Alan Dale RNVR First Lieutenant MGB 8 6/6/43 – 12/43 First Lieutenant MTB 731 15/5/44 – 7/45 HMS Vernon Born 22.09.1923 Leyton, London. Trained as a teacher and taught history for many years at schools in Dover. Died 26.12.1988 Canterbury Lt 3/45
TSLt D C Sansom RNVR 6/5/44
CMtrMch John Walters Heayel P/MX125731

Wartime Activities
8/44 66th MTB Flotilla
MTB 731, MTB 733, MTB 737, MTB 747, MTB 750, MTB 752, MTB 757, MTB 760
Based at Portland, Plymouth and Ramsgate
1945 Minesweeping and rescue work in Le Havre (Gazette Date - 13/11/45)

Post War Fate
1949 MTB 3001
1953 MASB 3001
10/57 Sea Cadet Corps (Birkenhead)

Brian Holmes
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Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby Brian Holmes » Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:19 pm

MTB_733 Lady Bee Ltd, Shoreham-by-Sea 8/6/44

For a series of actions in the Channel over a period of two years (Gazette Date - 21/11/44)
DSC TLt John Charles Cain RNVR

Known Crew
TLt John Charles Cain RNVR

Wartime Activities
8/44 66th MTB Flotilla
MTB 731, MTB 733, MTB 737, MTB 747, MTB 750, MTB 752, MTB 757, MTB 760
Based at Portland, Plymouth and Ramsgate
A series of actions in the Channel over a period of two years (Gazette Date - 21/11/44)

Post War Fate
3/46 To Sea Cadet Corps (Plymouth)

Brian Holmes
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Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby Brian Holmes » Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:21 pm

MTB_747 Sussex Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Shoreham-by-Sea 6/44

Wartime Activities
8/44 66th MTB Flotilla
MTB 731, MTB 733, MTB 737, MTB 747, MTB 750, MTB 752, MTB 757, MTB 760
Based at Portland, Plymouth and Ramsgate

Post War Fate
3/46 Sea Cadet Corps
19/2/58 Sold

Brian Holmes
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Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby Brian Holmes » Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:22 pm

MTB_750 A M Dickie & Sons, Bangor, Wales 5/44

For a series of actions in the Channel over a period of two years (Gazette Date - 21/11/44)
MID AB William John Davies D/JX284866

For twelve actions off the east coast 1/43 - 4/44
MID LTel Gilbert Ronald Stokes P/SSX31359

For minesweeping and rescue work in Le Havre during 1945 (Gazette Date - 13/11/45)
DSC TALtCdr John Alexander Cecil Findlay RNVR
MID TLt Ninian Glen Kennedy RNVR

For courage, determination and great devotion to duty whilst engaged in clearing oyster mines by depth charges from the approaches of Le Havre, and the rescue of survivors from a ship mined in the approaches, during bad weather and under particularly dangerous conditions
MID TLt Robert Henderson Morgan RNVR
MID PO John Murray D/JX152126
DSM AB John Alexander Carter D/JX194054

Known Crew
TALtCdr John Alexander Cecil Findlay RNVR HMS Boscawen (Portland) 23/2/40 HMS Dolphin 8/1/41 Commanding Officer MASB 25 23/6/41 Commanding Officer MASB 27 1942 Commanding Officer MGB 85 10/7/43 – 10/10/43 Commanding Officer MTB 750 and Senior Officer 66th MTB Flotilla 29/4/44 – 1945 DSC 1945
TLt Ninian Glen Kennedy RNVR First Lieutenant MTB 67 9/40 Commanding Officer MTB 93 01/09/42 Commanding Officer MTB 706 1943. Commanding Officer MTB 750 1944 Commanding Officer MTB 760 29/4/44 MID 1943 MID 1945

TLt Robert Henderson Morgan RNVR Commanding Officer MTB 52 15/06/42 – 7/42 Commanding Officer MTB 69 7/42 MTB 750 22/5/44 Born 27/4/17 and died in Reading, Berkshire 7/2003
PO John Murray D/JX152126
LTel Gilbert Ronald Stokes P/SSX31359
AB John Alexander Carter D/JX194054
AB William John Davies D/JX284866

Wartime Activities
8/44 66th MTB Flotilla
MTB 731, MTB 733, MTB 737, MTB 747, MTB 750, MTB 752, MTB 757, MTB 760
Based at Portland, Plymouth and Ramsgate
A series of actions in the Channel over a period of two years (Gazette Date - 21/11/44)
Twelve actions off the east coast 1/43 - 4/44
1945 Minesweeping and rescue work in Le Havre (Gazette Date - 13/11/45)

Post War Fate
1949 MTB 3002
1953 MASB 3002
1956 Sea Cadet Corps
1967 Sold

Brian Holmes
Posts: 245
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Location: Portsmouth

Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby Brian Holmes » Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:24 pm

MTB_752 Dorset Yacht Co Ltd, Hamworthy, Poole 6/44

For minesweeping and rescue work in Le Havre during 1945 (Gazette Date - 13/11/45)
MID TLt Robert Lelacheur Atkinson RNVR
MID TLt James Yule Ferguson RNVR

Known Crew
TLt Robert Lelacheur Atkinson RNVR
TLt James Yule Ferguson RNVR

Wartime Activities
8/44 66th MTB Flotilla
MTB 731, MTB 733, MTB 737, MTB 747, MTB 750, MTB 752, MTB 757, MTB 760
Based at Portland, Plymouth and Ramsgate
1945 Minesweeping and rescue work in Le Havre (Gazette Date - 13/11/45)

Post War Fate
10/45 Sea Cadet Corps

Brian Holmes
Posts: 245
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Location: Portsmouth

Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby Brian Holmes » Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:25 pm

MTB_757 P K Harris & Sons, Appledore 29/6/44

Wartime Activities
8/44 66th MTB Flotilla
MTB 731, MTB 733, MTB 737, MTB 747, MTB 750, MTB 752, MTB 757, MTB 760
Based at Portland, Plymouth and Ramsgate

Post War Fate
1/46 Sea Cadet Corps (Worcester)
25/1/52 Sold

Brian Holmes
Posts: 245
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Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby Brian Holmes » Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:27 pm

MTB_760 S B Hall, Galmpton, Brixham 6/44

For service in the Mediterranean and off the east coast of England 3 - 12/43
MID TLt William Glen Kennedy RNVR

For courage, endurance and skill whilst with Light Coastal Forces in the Mediterranean & in Northern Waters

For minesweeping and rescue work in Le Havre during 1945 (Gazette Date - 13/11/45)
MID CMtrMch Stephen Lewis Waller P/MX66402

Known Crew
TLt Ninian Glen Kennedy RNVR First Lieutenant MTB 67 9/40 Commanding Officer MTB 93 01/09/42 Commanding Officer MTB 706 1943. Commanding Officer MTB 750 1944 Commanding Officer MTB 760 29/4/44 MID 1943 MID 1945
CMtrMch Stephen Lewis Waller P/MX66402

Wartime Activities
Service in the Mediterranean and off the east coast of England 3 - 12/43
8/44 66th MTB Flotilla
MTB 731, MTB 733, MTB 737, MTB 747, MTB 750, MTB 752, MTB 757, MTB 760
Based at Portland, Plymouth and Ramsgate
1945 Minesweeping and rescue work in Le Havre (Gazette date 13/11/45)

Post War Fate
4/46 Sea Cadet Corps (Bristol)
18/9/58 Sold

Innes McCartney
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Jul 19, 2012 1:10 pm

Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby Innes McCartney » Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:21 pm

Thanks for all the replies!

According to the daily Admiralty Diary in the National Archives, the three Portland MTBs including MTB 737 were involved in a number of ASW incidents during the winter of 1944, especially December. Any knowledge of these would be very useful to me.

Also I would like to know of these MTBs were fitted with any of the following: QH, Asdic, Depth charges, Hedgehog

with many thanks

Innes McCartney
Department of Applied Sciences, Bournemouth University

Able Seaman
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Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby Guthlac » Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:42 pm

My father (Sub-Lt Geoffrey Alan Dale) was First Lieutenant of MTB 731, so I am interested in your research.

I have transcribed a Report of Proceedings from the National Archive dating from 26 December 1944 about a patrol on the night of 23/24 December 1944 during which MTBs 731 and 750 made an attack on a suspected submarine contact. MTB 747 was involved but had a defective Asdic set so was directed to carry out a radar patrol down tide and wind to prevent a surface escape.

The report identified burning oil on the surface as a result of a number of depth charge attacks, but there is no listing of a U-Boat sinking so I presume the attack was unsuccessful - assuming the contact was a U-Boat in the first place (the report suggests it was because "intelligence showed that there were some U boats in the area, echoes were loud, sharp and distinct").

The action was later supported by HMS Pevensey Castle, which attacked with a Squid.

The documents confirm that MTB 731 was fitted with Asdic type 134e and RDF type 291 as well as Mk VII depth charges but no "ahead throwing weapon".


Robert Dale

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Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby NickD135 » Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:26 pm

I just found this thread today while looking for information about MTB 737. My father served on MTB 737 from 15th July 1944 to 21st May 1945. Leading Seaman Dixon JX 513837 (known as Stan to friends). Somewhere in all his paperwork there is a picture of 737. If I dig it out I will post it here.

I do remember him telling me two stories about his time on the Dogboats and one relates to the fact that MTB 737 carried depth charges: he remembered a crewman loosing fingers as a charge rolled down the rails over said crewmans fingers. He also told me about an occasion when they were minsweeping Le Havre harbour and they picked up survivors from a mined ship and hit a mine themselves which disabled their rudders.

Any more information about MTB 737 would be very interesting.


Able Seaman
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Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby Guthlac » Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:42 pm


I have a couple of very small photographs taken by my father (serving on MTB 731) of the rescue operation you mention, which relates I believe to the USS Miantonomah (CM-10/CMc-5), mined at Le Havre on 25 September 1944. I'll post as soon as I get the chance.


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Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby NickD135 » Wed Nov 14, 2012 6:55 pm

I'll keep a look out for them. Cheers


Able Seaman
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Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby Guthlac » Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:26 pm


Here are the photos I mentioned. The quality is not great, but the second photograph includes what might be another D towards the top left of the photo. There are quite a number of vessels involved in the rescue. It may be possible to clean the pictures up a bit, but I'm not a Photoshop expert.....

If the material posted on-line about the sinking is accurate, these pictures will have been taken at about 14.30 on 25 September 1944 :

"As she steamed about 2,000 yd (1,800 m) out from the blockships, she was rocked at 14:15 by a tremendous underwater explosion under the engine room. ... She sank about 20 minutes after the explosion with a loss of some 58 officers and men."

wreck of Miantonomah 2.jpg
Wreck of Miantonomah.jpg

Able Seaman
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Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby Guthlac » Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:59 pm

This is a shot of MTB 731 at Dover showing (I believe) the depth charge racks along the deck. I wonder whether this may be just postwar? The crew seem pretty relaxed...

MTB 731 - Dover Harbour.jpg

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Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby NickD135 » Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:11 pm

Very interesting to see those pictures. Many thanks for posting them. I will keep searching for the photo of 737 that I know I have stowed somewhere safe!!


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Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby Parrettbrand » Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:58 pm

I'm 12 years late to the party on this thread but there is recent information relevant to the topic, for anyone still listening.

My grandfather was T/ALtCdr John Findlay, who served as Senior Officer for the 66th MTB Flotilla between April 1944 to the end of the war. He is mentioned in several posts on this thread, in particular as he was Commanding officer on MTB750 for the action off Le Harvre just after D-Day, which resulted in several serving officers and ratings of the 66th receiving medals and MIDs for bravery in extreme circumstances. The radio operator in MTB757, Eddie Dibley passed away in April 2024 and his story is currently front page news on this site. He wrote an account of the minesweeping operation off Le Harvre in his own words, which add significant colour to the official citation to the medals that Gazetted in November 1945, more than 12 months after the action. ... 7-le-havre

Site Admin
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Re: MTB 737 and the 66th Minesweeping Flotilla

Postby Admin » Thu Jun 06, 2024 8:47 am

Hello Parrettbrand

Welcome to the forum, and it's never too late to join the 'party' on any thread since research is always ongoing and it's aways great to add a new name, or photo, or piece of information to our knowledge about the subject.

The original poster was researching the anti-submarine role the 66th MTB had and it seems MTB 737 may have been involved in sinking the submarine U-772, though that remains unconfirmed. There are entries in the Admiralty War Diaries about the boats of the 66th, one of which for the 25 August, 1944 in discussing the requirement for more resources to be deployed than at present for anti-submarine patrols in the Channel reads:
Boats of the 66th M.T.B. Flotilla now working from Portland operate for a maximum period 30 hours, and must then stand off for a similar period for rest and maintenance.

If by any chance the family has any photos or documents passed down to them on the subject of Coastal Forces we would gladly welcome copies.


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