Op. Biting seems to be a slightly 'lost' operation for information. There is plenty referring to Op. Jubilee but as Biting was , I think, the first joint operation with Navy, Air Force, Paras and Commandos, and successful at that, I am surprised it seems to have been rather overlooked.
I am, of course, biased in that my father was telegrapher on MGB 312 which played its part in the removal of the radar parts.
One thing that I keep wondering about, is that on a couple of sites, MGB 312 was is not listed although I know it to have been present. As it was this boat that was used by Preist and Cox, the scientists, to receive the radar parts from the raiders, I wondered whether it was still on special training right up to the actual raid and therefore was not listed anywhere until after the event?! No idea myself, I'm just trying to fill in a few odd holes in the story.
Anyone have a suggestion or any more information to add here?
My father's service record is on the World Naval ships site here which may be of interest to some.
http://www.worldnavalships.com/forums/s ... hp?t=16138
Thanks Colin