St Nazaire Raid

Discussions relating to actions or operations, including combined operations, involving Coastal Forces boats or flotillas
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St Nazaire Raid

Postby Pioneer » Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:50 am

A very brief glimpse, via a recent YouTube clip, of the life and experiences of a 96 year old veteran, Michael Burn M.C. The St Nazaire raid of WW2 was a 'Combined Ops' engagement but its conception was first seeded by Lt Cdr G. Gonin RN.

YouTube clip has been removed

Ted Else
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Re: St Nazaire Raid

Postby Ted Else » Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:19 pm

Captain Michael Burn with most of his troop of No 2 Commando were aboard Motor Launch 192, she was destroyed by fire just south of the Old Mole with heavy loss of life. The other "Micky" to remember in this very brave mission was Sub Lt 'Micky' Wynne DSC - Commanding Officer of MTB 74 - also lost with a very heavy loss of life, himself only being saved by his CMM W. H. Lovegrove CGM. Of the five Victoria Cross's won that day, one was awarded posthumously to A/B William Savage VC. on board MGB 314.

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Re: St Nazaire Raid

Postby Julie » Sat Jul 11, 2009 4:59 pm

yes, iv'e read about 'Bill' Savage's VC. did'nt he keep at his post as a gunner on his boat even though mortally wounded?The german's even respected his bravery i think.

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Re: St Nazaire Raid

Postby Pioneer » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:37 pm

Some fairly recent (early December 2011) YouTube documentry footage of the raid on St Nazaire. An introduction to possibly a new series.

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Re: St Nazaire Raid

Postby rabi » Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:52 am

The Ministry of Defence also holds records of deceased Service Personnel, which have not yet been passed on to the National Archives. A search fee of £30 is currently charged for copies of these records, but a Spouse at the time of the deceased’s death can obtain a copy for free.

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