I am currently building 1/72nd scale model hulls in glass-fibre for some WWI and most WWII CF types over the coming months.
The two scales have been chosen to match the most popular scales of the model kits currently available from the likes of Italeri, Revell and Airfix etc. so that modellers can add their favourites to their existing fleets of PTs, HSLs, MTBs, MAS and E-Boats.
I have done; Fairmile B, Fairmile D, 72ft RN HDML and RAN 80ft version, Australian 80ft ambulance launch like Krawarree, USN WWI and WWII Subchasers, AMS/YMS/BYMS minesweeper, RN 80ft WWI Elco ML and USCG 83ft Wheeler.
The list of wartime boats is very long and will include; all RN long and short MTBs and MGBs (at least 20 different boats), RN SGB, MLs, all 4 MFV's, 105ft MMS, all RAF HSLs, 56ft and 60ft RAF GSP, hopefully some RAF STs and RSLs, most RASC vessels (I still need plans for several), USN PTs, USAAF AVRs, also a German R-Boat and an FLB-V and the Australian Halvorsen 62ft fast supply launch.
Post-war hulls will include; RAF Vosper RTTL, RAF 63ft GSP, RAF 96ft Krogerwerft D-Boat, RN Brave, Dark and Gay class FPBs, Ford class SDBs and Ham and Ton class minesweepers and also some foreign boats such as the Nasty Class PTF and German Jaguar and Schutze Classes.
I have also already done a few hulls in 1/35th scale; Fairmiles B & D and the 72ft HDML.
I intend to continue this project over an extended period and I welcome requests to move any favourites to the front of the queue.
I have also done a few in 1/35th scale, Fairmiles B & D and the 72ft HDML.
Online album of my previous builds;
http://www.flickr.com/photos/25721684@N ... 269542118/