MTB 670

Motor Torpedo Boats (MTB)
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Re: MTB 670

Postby jonco » Mon Nov 04, 2019 8:09 pm

Hello Retr,
Well spotted. Sorry I do not have any additional information. My father died in 2002 and as I have said previously it was his medals record that tied him to the photos. Good Luck with the photo enhancement.



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Re: MTB 670

Postby retr » Mon Nov 04, 2019 8:15 pm

Hi Colin

Thanks for the reply! Just clutching at straws!


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Re: MTB 670

Postby Stanbridge76 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 5:08 pm

I am searching for info on the service of my dad Bill Wright who served as a stoker on MTB670.Thinking about the actions he and his shipmates may have been involved in at such a young age led me to wonder if there was a process of selection in order to be assigned to Motor Torpedo Boats during volunteer or go were your sent.

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Re: MTB 670

Postby Stanbridge76 » Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:30 pm ... ew&id=1500
This is my dad Bill Wright on the left with Lofty Turner on MTB670 in the Med 1942.
Scan0005.jpg (36.75 KiB) Viewed 108938 times

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Re: MTB 670

Postby Stanbridge76 » Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:36 pm ... ew&id=1502
My dad Bill Wright is on the left taken somewhere in the Med,does anyone recognise the others.

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Re: MTB 670

Postby Stanbridge76 » Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:41 pm ... ew&id=1503
My Dad Bill Wright and his mates at The Old Dun Cow in Valetta Malta 1943/44.Any on recognise the others?
Scan0003.jpg (40.77 KiB) Viewed 108938 times

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Re: MTB 670

Postby retr » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:49 pm

Guy on right resembles my dad, able seaman Joe Vaughan but if he has glasses on my dad did'nt wear them. He was on mtb 670. And 638 in Adriatic he was a pom pom gunner. Not certain its him though.

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Re: MTB 670

Postby Stanbridge76 » Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:18 pm

Hi Retri
Lets see how many react to this and hope we can identify them.

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Re: MTB 670

Postby retr » Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:35 pm

Dad was a gunner and insignia on his right arm shows that so it must be him. He is also on page 1 of this post on 670 with crew at back of boat he is 3rd from right with white cap tilted back. Is your dad there too!?

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Re: MTB 670

Postby Stanbridge76 » Sun Oct 04, 2020 11:37 pm

Hi Retri
No can't see my Dad in the pic,do you know which year?

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Re: MTB 670

Postby Stanbridge76 » Sun Oct 18, 2020 11:31 am

Some more pics of my Dad Bill Wright and/or some of his mates when he served on MTB 670 in the Med 43/44.
Scan0008.jpg (32.14 KiB) Viewed 108595 times
Scan0007.jpg (62.28 KiB) Viewed 108595 times
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Scan0001.jpg (29.53 KiB) Viewed 108595 times

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Re: MTB 670

Postby retr » Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:26 pm

Great photo's
i am still not sure if that is my dad. He is on the bottom left in last photo.
Do you have your dads service record as this will show dates.
My dad was on several MTB'S, ML'S + MGB'S the main one was MTB 638 for which he received the DSM for action in Oct 44 in Adriatic. I found out so much on this site but the service record is essential.
Good luck! + keep posting those lively pics, someone will know who they are.

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Re: MTB 670

Postby Stanbridge76 » Mon Oct 19, 2020 9:06 pm

Hi Retri
My Dads service history shows him on MTB 670 from 7/3/43 to 18/11/44 then back to England [HMS Hornet base].Next was MTB 350 21/3/45 to 14/6/45 based at Lowestoft [HMS Mantis].Not sure what he was doing but next ship on his record is Loch Archaig 4/11/45 to 14/2/46 and finally HMS Cockatrice 13/3/46 to demob 30/10/46.
I hope all of this is accurate as some of the details can be a bit sketchy.
The time in the Med should line up with Dads if you know the dates he served on MTB 670.

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Re: MTB 670

Postby retr » Mon Oct 19, 2020 10:17 pm

Thanks for that, I will look at dads service record to check dates (it was 2012 when I did my research). I know he was moved about a lot....seems they all were at some point. Lovely pics Bernie was your dad from the midlands?

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Re: MTB 670

Postby Stanbridge76 » Mon Oct 19, 2020 11:23 pm

Hi Rita
Thanks for the reply, I have some more pics to post but not sure if they are when he was on Minesweepers.
Dad was born and lived all his life in Luton and never travelled abroad again and just lived a simple life, unfortunately he died at only 51 and never spoke much about his time in the Navy.

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Re: MTB 670

Postby retr » Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:14 pm

Hi Bernie,
Its just that a Bill Wright lived close to us in Midlands. My dad died at 69 and never spoke at all about the time in the navy, when he was really ill he had a copy made of his photo with his mom +dad at the Palace at his Investiture for the DSM. He must have wanted us 4 kids to be proud of him, which we were. The war took a lot out of them then they were expected to just get back to normal life at the switch if a button.
PS. Are you Bernard or Bernadette?

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Re: MTB 670

Postby Stanbridge76 » Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:15 am

Ha Ha it's Bernie as in Bernard.We think today how extraordinary to expect boys of 18 or younger to do what they did when we look at the youth of today.I think the boys of their generation had to become men at an age when our boys are still at school but to come back and not brag about their experiences is a credit to them.If only they knew how much we appreciate them now.

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Re: MTB 670

Postby retr » Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:13 pm

Really hard to track these dates as dad was all over the place. But i refered to unithistories website where his service is listed if you want to take a look. AB Joseph Vaughan DSM D/JX251050. (under letter V)
But, he was in Malta on MTB 670 between 8/3/43 - 3/2/44 with spells at HMS Gregale base Malta. MTB 638 from 4/2/44 - 12/?/44 with spells at Gregale Malta from 12/?/44 -16/12/44 then 17- 18 12 44 HMS ST Angelo RN Base Malta.
Let me know what you think

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Re: MTB 670

Postby retr » Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:54 pm

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Re: MTB 670

Postby Stanbridge76 » Wed Oct 21, 2020 5:50 pm

Hi Rita
Looks as though our Dads were together for a time on MTB670 in 43/44 but maybe no photographed together.I am sure they must have known each other and I hope we can find out for sure.

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Re: MTB 670

Postby retr » Wed Oct 21, 2020 6:54 pm

Hi Bernie
Well lets hope there are more photos to come! I know there's a chance to find more as more people get involved that's why I still come back and look on here.

It has changed a lot though, my dads service history and photos were on topic MTB 638 but can't seem to find any of them.

I have seen those other chaps photos on this website ( the ones at the "old dun cow") also, heard a cheeky story about that place too! Has anybody else recognised any of them?

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Re: MTB 670

Postby Peter » Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:13 pm

What a topic MTB 670 has turned out to be, I shall be happy to take part . Having been part of the crew of MGB 647 much of the posts have become familiar from which I can connect. So I will turning over the pages of my memoires that will be helpful in the MTB 670 posts
Now 96 I must be away to my Bunk

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Re: MTB 670

Postby Stanbridge76 » Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:50 pm

Hi Peter
Great to know you can contribute as someone with first hand experience who is still with us today,well done in reaching the age of 96.I am sure you served in the same locations as my Dad and can help me to understand what daily life was like for you and my Dad.My Dad was less than 18 when he enlisted and served as a stoker and I would love to know what his involvement was based on what I have learnt from his service history and some of the actions of MTB 670 detailed in Len Reynolds book Dog Boats At War.I am fascinated to hear all you have to say.

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Re: MTB 670

Postby Peter » Thu Oct 22, 2020 5:38 pm

Good Afternoon MTB 670 Traveller's.
I attach an article revealing some of the conditions we endured and enjoyed in our Coastal Forces mission during the Italy and Yugoslavia
campaign , that are included in my self written memoires
My Shipmates Page1.jpg
I hope to submit further bits of the campaign with pictures
Keep Safe
Greetings to you all

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Re: MTB 670

Postby Peter » Thu Oct 22, 2020 5:44 pm

Sorry Travellers I forgot to include page 2 in my last post
My Shipmates Page 2.jpg

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Re: MTB 670

Postby retr » Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:34 pm

Great post Peter!
I read with great interest. My research was in 2012 and i had very little to go on. This site was a great help to me. My dad was A/B Joseph Vaughan DSM. Pom pom gunner he served on .MTB 670 and MTB 638 for action in Adriatic 11th Oct 1944,Vis. He was involved in the invasion of Sicilly too. But, like so many never spoke at all about his action. The afterwards returned to a job in heavy industry and later to married/family life. I can't imagine how difficult this was. Did you cope well on return to life after your war action.

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Re: MTB 670

Postby Stanbridge76 » Thu Oct 22, 2020 9:25 pm

Hi Peter
Your memoires make fantastic reading just what I need to understand what my Dad lived through but I can only see page 2 in your post.Did you publish your memoires and if so how do I get a copy.
I think my Dad sailed from England in a convoy of MTBs to Algiers in 1943 and I am curious to know if this was non-stop or did they call in to Spain or Portugal on the way and how long would it take.I am sure crossing the Bay of Biscay must have been uncomfortable if the sea was rough but I am sure was not the only time.
If you have posted your memories before then please point me in right direction and keep them coming.
All the best

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Re: MTB 670

Postby Peter » Fri Oct 23, 2020 11:11 am

Hi Rita and Bernie & Travellers
Thank you for your replies to MTB 670. Sorry that I did not include page I in my last post . so here goes we will try again.
I will attaché my memoires and I feel that you Bernie will be very interested as I also sailed to Malta in a Troop Ship in May 1943
Keep Safe
My Shipmates Page1.jpg

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Re: MTB 670

Postby Peter » Fri Oct 23, 2020 7:41 pm

There has been thankfully many words on this subject lately maybe it is time for some pictures, that include
Painting of MGB 647 by a local artist
Some of the crew (make and mend) at work
On leave on the Isle of Capri so it was not all Death and glory
Where I am holding up the tree
In the picture I am in the 2nd row 2 in
Cheers Peter
Keep Safe
MGB 647 Crew Malta 1945.jpg
MGB 647 Crew Malta 1945.jpg (97.05 KiB) Viewed 108213 times
Isle of Capri 1945.jpg
MGB 647 -2.jpg

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Re: MTB 670

Postby retr » Fri Oct 23, 2020 9:17 pm

Fantastic photo's Peter! Those faces so young and fresh. Proper "bits of skin" They really paint a picture and bring it to life.
I look at every one in search of my dad and looking for his shipmates too.

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