MTB 440

Motor Torpedo Boats (MTB)
Eric Hirst
Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:21 am

MTB 440

Postby Eric Hirst » Sun Mar 10, 2013 12:23 pm

Hi this is Eric Hirst I served on MTB 440 and MGB 121. I was wondering in any one remembers me. Also any news on the opening of the CF museum in Portsmouth.

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Re: MTB 440

Postby Pioneer » Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:41 pm

Hello Eric, welcome aboard.

I see that you were a member of the CFVA (membership number1980) and that you reside in Dewsbury West Yorks. Glad that you have found us.

Regarding the CF museum at Portsmouth, I'm not too sure how far they have got but I do understand that things are moving along well - I'll try and find out a little more from Richard Hellyer (BMPT) as he is in some discussions regarding exhibits and other details - I'll get back to you - (via here).

Meanwhile, have a good look around our/your site and let us know if you have any suggestions.

Best Wishes Ted (cfv Team)

James Bagshawe
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Re: MTB 440

Postby James Bagshawe » Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:56 pm

Hello Eric
My father, Kenneth Bagshawe, served on MTB 442 as Midshipman from May 1944 and is still very much alive.
He was previously on 666 for a month or so.
Who was the skipper of 440 when you served ?
Do you have any pictures of that time ?
Look forward to hearing from you. It would be fascinating to see if we can find a common acquaintance or shared memories.

Best Wishes

James Bagshawe

Brian Holmes
Posts: 245
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Location: Portsmouth

Re: MTB 440

Postby Brian Holmes » Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:32 pm

MTB_440 British Power Boat Co, Hythe Hampshire

For an action in which four E Boats were damaged in the Nore area 14/2/44
DSC TLt William Leverrier Fesq RANVR
MID LSea Walter George Jarrett P/JX346539
MID AB John Joseph Lanigan P/JX323131

For an action against German trawlers in the Nore area 24/6/44
DSM AB David McIntosh D/JX346559
MID PO Ronald George Lawson D/SSX26240

New Year Honours 1945
DSM TALTel Alan Frederick Johnson D/JX228846

Known Crew
TLt William Leverrier Fesq RANVR First Lieutenant MGB 113 28/9/42 First Lieutenant MTB 440 28/4/43 TLt 26/6/43 and later Commanding Officer, Commanding Officer MTB 739 12/4/44 HMAS Rushcutter 20/12/45 DSC 1944 Born 31/1/16 in Wollstonecraft NSW
TSLt T E Parsons RNVR TMid TASLt 1/9/43 MTB 440 10/43 TSLt 1/3/44 HMS Mantis
PO Ronald George Lawson D/SSX26240
LSea Walter George Jarrett P/JX346539
TALTel Alan Frederick Johnson D/JX228846
AB John Joseph Lanigan P/JX323131
AB David McIntosh D/JX346559

Wartime Activities
Built as MGB121
1943 Redesignated as MTB 440
3rd MTB Flotilla
Based at Lowestoft, Ramsgate and Felixstowe
14/2/44 MTB 439, MTB 440, MTB 441, MTB 442, MTB 443, MTB 444 (SO) and MTB 455 are on an anti E Boat patrol to seaward of the east coast convoy route. The boats are former MGBs and only MTB 455 is fitted with torpedoes.
1900 The force is ordered to move much closer to the Dutch coast at 38 kts and approach the entrance to Ymuiden. A large force of E Boats has been driven off by corvettes and is believed to be returning to Ymuiden.
Two trawlers and a flak ship are sighted. MTB 455 makes a torpedo attack covered by gunfire from MTB 439, MTB 441, MTB 443 and MTB 444. MTB 455 fires two torpedoes which both hit. Gunfire silences one of the trawlers. The flak ship fires on MTB 444 inflicting casualties and damage. The oerlikon gunner is killed and the Senior Officer is mortally wounded.along with two others on the bridge. The First Lieutenant disengages and takes the badly damaged MTB 444 back to base. MTB 439 (Now leading), MTB 441 and MTB 443 engage the flak ship inflicting further damage before disengaging to search for MTB 444 and MTB 455.
MTB 439, MTB 441 and MTB 443 encounter six E Boats and attack. The leading E Boat is set on fire and stops. The second E Boat is damaged. MTB 441 temporarily loses contact, attacks a further group of E Boats before losing touch. MTB 439 and MTB 443 make two further attacks before disengaging at 0440.
14-5/2/44 German Account
S 62, S 67, S 80, S 83, S 86, S 92 and S 98 of the Second. S-Flotilla (KKpt. Feldt) and S64, S65 and S85 of the Eighth S-Flotilla (KKpt. Zymalkowski) conduct a minelaying operation east of Great Yarmouth. The covering force consists of S 93, S 99, S 127, S 129 and S 133. On the return leg, the Boats are pursued by HMS Mallard and HMS Shearwater. German air cover observes the approach of MTB 439, MTB 441, MTB 443, MTB 444 and MTB 455. S 64, S 65, S 85, S 93, S 99, S 117, S 127, S 129 and S 133 are directed to intercept. MTB 455 and MTB 444 are damaged in an action with 3 Boats of the German 34th Minesweeping Flotilla. The German M 3411 sinks whilst attempting to avoid a collision. S 89 and S 133 and the MTBs are damaged in the resulting actions
23-4/6/44 MTB 440, MTB 441 MTB 444 and MTB 445 encounter four armed trawlers off the West Schelde. MTB 440, MTB 441 and MTB 444 make six gun attacks concentrating on the rear two trawlers and attempt a depth charge attack. Both trawlers are severely damaged and one is on fire. MTB 440, MTB 441 and MTB 444 suffer one man wounded and superficial damage.

Post War Fate

Brian Holmes
Posts: 245
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Location: Portsmouth

Re: MTB 440

Postby Brian Holmes » Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:35 pm

MGB_121 British Power Boat, Hythe 3/5/43

For an action with enemy forces in the Nore area 22/7/43
MID AB Ivor Arthur Poole C/JX349437

Known Crew
AB Ivor Arthur Poole C/JX349437

War Activities
22/7/43 MGB 121 and MGB 122 are in an action with German forces in the Nore area. Two German Minesweepers are sunk. In MGB 122 the Commanding Officer is seriously wounded in one lung.
22-3/7/43 MTB 222 and other boats from 22nd MTB Flotilla and MGB 121, MGB 122 and other boats from 10th MGB Flotilla are in action against a convoy screen. MTBs are unable to close and fire torpedoes. Action reached an area allocated to a force of D Class MTBs so was broken off. MTB 222 is disabled and has to be towed home
1943 Redesignated MTB 440

Brian Holmes
Posts: 245
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Location: Portsmouth

Re: MTB 440

Postby Brian Holmes » Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:38 pm

MTB_442 British Power Boat Co, Hythe Hampshire

For an action in which four E Boats were damaged in the Nore area 14/2/44
DSM AB Harold Ernest Danks P/JX359095
MID AB William Henry Glover D/JX305955
MID AB James Alfred Wynn C/JX376150

For an action with E Boats off Smith’s Knoll 24/10/43
DSM Ord Thomas Henry Taylor D/JX420568
MID AB Trevellan Charles Ernest Leslie Bright P/JX159560

New Year Honours 1945
MID LSea Philip Ratcliffe C/SSX17536

Known Crew
TLt Charles Arthur Burk RCNVR Ordinary Seaman in 1939 after graduating from the University of Toronto and trained in Toronto in 1939 to 1940. HMS Raleigh and HMS New Market (Destroyer) TSLt 30/12/40 Third Officer MGB 101 1941 TLt 17/9/41 First Lieutenant MGB 14 5/11/41 at HMS St Christopher 1941 Commanding Officer MGB 17, Commanding Officer MTB 442 17/4/43 Commanding Officer MTB 439 Commanding Officer MTB 461 28/2/44 Commanding Officer MTB 491 4/10/44 – 29/1/45. Three DSCs in 1944, MID in 1943 and MID in 1944. President of the Naval Officers Association of Canada and of the Montreal Branch of NOAC. Born 17/9/16 and died 6/97 in Montreal

TSLt Gordon Stanley Trew RNVR 5th MGB Flotilla HMS Mantis 20/7/42 First Lieutenant MTB 442 17/6/43 Born 1921 in Islington, London and died 25/10/43
TSLt W J Clemow RNVR 11/1/43 First Lieutenant MGB 51 19/6/43 MTB 442 26/10/43
LSea Philip Ratcliffe C/SSX17536 ALSea MGB 17 MID 1943 LSea MTB 442 MID 1945
AB Trevellan Charles Ernest Leslie Bright P/JX159560
AB Harold Ernest Danks P/JX359095
AB William Henry Glover D/JX305955
AB James Alfred Wynn C/JX376150
Ord Thomas Henry Taylor D/JX420568

Wartime Activities
Built as MGB124
1943 Redesignated
3rd MTB Flotilla
Based at Lowestoft, Ramsgate and Felixstowe
24/10/43 An action off Smith’s Knoll involving MTB 439, MTB 442, MTB 606, MTB 610, MTB 629, MTB 630, MTB 632, MTB 650 and MTB 652 MTB 439 is damaged
24-5/10/43 32 German S-Boats of the 2, 4, 6 and 8 S-Flotillas sortie from Ijmuiden and attack Convoy FN.1160 off Cromer. The Convoy is escorted by the destroyers Pytchley, Worcester, Eglinton, Campbell and Mackay, MGB 609, MGB 610, MGB 607, MGB 603, MGB 315, MGB 327, ML 250 and ML 517. HMS Mackay rams and sinks S 63. MGB 603 and MGB 607 hit on the boats of the 4. S-Flotilla on the return leg and sink S 88 which was standing by the damaged S63
14/2/44 MTB 439, MTB 440, MTB 441, MTB 442, MTB 443, MTB 444 (SO) and MTB 455 are on an anti E Boat patrol to seaward of the east coast convoy route. The boats are former MGBs and only MTB 455 is fitted with torpedoes.
1900 The force is ordered to move much closer to the Dutch coast at 38 kts and approach the entrance to Ymuiden. A large force of E Boats has been driven off by corvettes and is believed to be returning to Ymuiden.
Two trawlers and a flak ship are sighted. MTB 455 makes a torpedo attack covered by gunfire from MTB 439, MTB 441, MTB 443 and MTB 444. MTB 455 fires two torpedoes which both hit. Gunfire silences one of the trawlers. The flak ship fires on MTB 444 inflicting casualties and damage. The oerlikon gunner is killed and the Senior Officer is mortally wounded.along with two others on the bridge. The First Lieutenant disengages and takes the badly damaged MTB 444 back to base. MTB 439 (Now leading), MTB 441 and MTB 443 engage the flak ship inflicting further damage before disengaging to search for MTB 444 and MTB 455.
MTB 439, MTB 441 and MTB 443 encounter six E Boats and attack. The leading E Boat is set on fire and stops. The second E Boat is damaged. MTB 441 temporarily loses contact, attacks a further group of E Boats before losing touch. MTB 439 and MTB 443 make two further attacks before disengaging at 0440.
14-5/2/44 German Account
S 62, S 67, S 80, S 83, S 86, S 92 and S 98 of the Second. S-Flotilla (KKpt. Feldt) and S64, S65 and S85 of the Eighth S-Flotilla (KKpt. Zymalkowski) conduct a minelaying operation east of Great Yarmouth. The covering force consists of S 93, S 99, S 127, S 129 and S 133. On the return leg, the Boats are pursued by HMS Mallard and HMS Shearwater. German air cover observes the approach of MTB 439, MTB 441, MTB 443, MTB 444 and MTB 455. S 64, S 65, S 85, S 93, S 99, S 117, S 127, S 129 and S 133 are directed to intercept. MTB 455 and MTB 444 are damaged in an action with 3 Boats of the German 34th Minesweeping Flotilla. The German M 3411 sinks whilst attempting to avoid a collision. S 89 and S 133 and the MTBs are damaged in the resulting actions

Post War Fate

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Re: MTB 440

Postby Debwilki » Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:19 pm

Hi I have found this pic of my grandad
Am I looking in the right place to see what boat he was on?

Site Admin
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Joined: Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:40 pm

Re: MTB 440

Postby Admin » Thu Nov 12, 2020 11:03 am

Hello Debwilki

Welcome to the forum and thank you for your two images. I believe the certificate reads MTB 442 and these two photographs from the Imperial War Museum collection showing the surrender by Rear Admiral Karl Bruning which took place at HMS Beehive, Felixstowe on 13 May 1945, feature MTB 442 in the background.

RML 547 at HMS Beehive, Felixstowe, with MTB 442 visible in the background (© IWM A 28562)
rml-547-iwm-a-28562.jpg (72.63 KiB) Viewed 23132 times
Rear Admiral Karl Bruning going on board the Wren-manned Admiral's Barge at HMS Beehive, with MTB 442 visible in the background (© IWM A 28557)
mtb-440-1.jpg (69.67 KiB) Viewed 23132 times

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