Postby Brian Holmes » Mon Jan 20, 2014 7:56 pm
MTB_256 J S White, Cowes Isle of Wight 21/9/43
For an action in the Channel 5/7/44
DSC TSLt John Ainsley Peters RNVR
Known Crew
TLt Albert William Bryan Hawkes RNVR TSLt HMS St Christopher for MLs 14/7/41 Commanding Officer MTB 247 25/1/43 TLt 16/6/43 Commanding Officer MTB 256 8/43 HMS Aggressive 24/1/44 Commanding Officer MTB 257 16/10/43 HMS Midge (for motor launches, etc.) 25/10/44 Commanding Officer MTB 609 10/1/45 Born 16/6/18 and died 7/96 in Norwich
TSLt Christopher Mounsey RNVR HMS Forte IV for MLs 13/10/41 TSLt 11/11/41 Commanding Officer MTB 251 13/3/43 Commanding Officer MTB 256 20/9/43 Died 26/7/44 Born 1904 in Kensington, London
TSLt Neville Gordon Oldfield RNVR TSLt 21/5/42 First Lieutenant MTB 226 25/10/42 MTB 251 26/4/43 MTB 256 20/9/43 Commanding Officer MTB 249 1944 HMS Mantis Commanding Officer MTB 380 29/5/45 Born 5/12/19 in Portsmouth and died 1/90 in Winchester, Hampshire
TSLt John Ainsley Peters RNVR TSLt 9/1/44 MTB 256 DSC 1944 MTB 5007 18/12/44 MTB 790 29/1/45 MTB 786 11/6/45
Wartime Activities
14th MTB Flotilla
Based at Portland and Newhaven
26/11/43 MTB 205 (Senior Officer) and two other boats (Division 1), MTB 254 and MTB 256 (Division 2) are on patrol off Cap d’Antifer.
2359 Division 2 is sent to patrol the south west of the patrol area.
0445 MTB 254 sights three ships 5 miles to the eas and travelling northwards. Division 2 closes but is illuminated by starshell at 3 miles
0525 Shelling starts and is obviously from destroyer size vessels. The MTBs withdraw in the face of a strong enemy and the approaching dawn.
14/4/44 Flotilla transfers to HMS Hornet
14th MTB Flotilla
MTB 246, MTB 247, MTB 248, MTB 249, MTB 250, MTB 251, MTB 252, MTB 253, MTB 254, MTB 255, MTB 256 and MTB 257
Operation Neptune Invasion of Normandy
5/7/44 An action in the Channel
24-5/8/44 The 8th Artillery carrier flotilla takes the nights supply missions to Le Havre. They are
By PT 250, PT 511 and PT 514
Then HMS Seymour, MTB 257, MTB 256, MTB 254 and MTB 252
By another group MTB 452, MTB 447 and MTB 453
Finally by HMS Talybont, HMS Retalick, MTB 205, MTB 209 and MTB 210
MTB 447, MTB 452 and MTB 453 attack the convoy previously attacked by MTB 254, MTB 256 and MTB 257. MTB 447, MTB 452 and MTB 453 are beaten off but return, engage R Boats and severely damage two of them.
MTB 205, MTB 209 and MTB 210 also attack the convoy.
MTB 205, MTB 209 and MTB 210 attack the convoy previously attacked by MTB 254, MTB 256 and MTB 257 then MTB 447, MTB 452 and MTB 453. MTB 205, MTB 209 and MTB 210 are initially beaten off by five TLCs armed with 88mm guns but return and fire six torpedoes. MTB 210 sinks a TLC.
S 91 is sunk by HMS Tallybont and HMS Retalick north of Fecamp. German report says heavily damaged and scuttled, in addition, M 3857 / Rotherbaum sunk. V 243 is damaged and AF 103 is lost on a mine.
26-7/8/44 HMS Retalick (Lt. Brownrigg) with MTB 208 and MTB 210, as well as HMS Middleton (Lt. Cox) with MTB 252, MTB 256, PT 520, PT 511 and PT 514 are in action with the Eighth Gunboat Flotilla and the Fourteenth R Boat Flotilla and AF 13, AF 98 and AF 108 are sunk.
Post War Fate