Signalman Lewis Hale, JX/165696

Enquiries relating to individual men and women who served with HM Light Coastal Forces; help with interpreting service records, or with tracing former comrades
Popeye 1975
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Sep 27, 2019 10:15 pm

Signalman Lewis Hale, JX/165696

Postby Popeye 1975 » Sun Sep 29, 2019 7:42 pm

Hi all, and thanks for the add. The reason for me joining this group is to see if there was any likelihood that my late father, the rating mentioned in the subject line, ever served in coastal forces and if anyone has any memory of him. I have already received his Naval service records which only detail shore bases and no ships. I am particularly keen to find out if he may have been serving in UK waters from December 1942 to October 1944. This a period of the war that I know little about. I have attached a photo from his time in the Middle East 1940-42.
my dad 2.jpg
my dad 2.jpg (34.46 KiB) Viewed 17370 times

Site Admin
Posts: 515
Joined: Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:40 pm

Re: Signalman Lewis Hale, JX/165696

Postby Admin » Sun Sep 29, 2019 11:20 pm

Hello Popeye

Thank you for your post. Coastal Forces bases included Hornet, Wasp, Beehive, Mantis, Midge and many more in UK waters, with others abroad in the Mediterranean, Africa, and India. If you care to post any of the base names for your father here we could tell you what they were.


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