MTB 5009 and MTB 5007

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MTB 5009 and MTB 5007

Postby Admin » Mon Dec 14, 2020 1:09 am

Crew of MTB 5009.jpg
Crews of MTB 5009 and MTB 5007 (@ Watkins)

Site Admin
Posts: 521
Joined: Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:40 pm

Re: MTB 5009 and MTB 5007

Postby Admin » Mon Dec 14, 2020 1:11 am

Crew Identification

MTB 5009
George Heard sixth row, third from the right
Sam Stewart third row, fifth from left
Wilfred Watkins third row, third from left
Ken LeVoi third row, sixth from left
Allan Robinson front row, second left

MTB 5007
Donald Milner third row, seventh from left (later BBC India correspondent)
Jimmy Whiffer? third row, fourth from left
Ronald Hedgecox third row, second from left

Further information on MTB 5009 may be found by following the link.

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