AB/Radar Harold Ernest Danks
Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2024 11:58 am
London Branch has been informed of the following:
AB Harold Ernest Danks DSM Radar Operator on MTB 442 1942/1943 under the command of Lieutenant Charles Arthur Burk R.C.N.V.R., died peacefully at the age of 100 on the 20th July 2024 at his care home.
MTB 442 formed part of the third iteration of the 3rd MTB Flotilla comprising MTBs 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, and 445.
MTB 442 took part in several engagements including one on the 24 October 1943, involving elements of the 17th MGB Flotilla as detailed below from an entry in the Admiralty Diary:
The action for which Ernest earned the award of Distinguished Service Medal came in February 1944 when elements of the 3rd MTB Flotilla engaged a convoy once more off Ijmuiden, again detailed in the Admiralty Diary.
The full action report for events of the 14th February 1944 as provided by the Admiralty War Diaries may be read by following the link provided.
Lest we forget
AB Harold Ernest Danks DSM Radar Operator on MTB 442 1942/1943 under the command of Lieutenant Charles Arthur Burk R.C.N.V.R., died peacefully at the age of 100 on the 20th July 2024 at his care home.
MTB 442 formed part of the third iteration of the 3rd MTB Flotilla comprising MTBs 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, and 445.
MTB 442 took part in several engagements including one on the 24 October 1943, involving elements of the 17th MGB Flotilla as detailed below from an entry in the Admiralty Diary:
In a series of engagements early this morning between our Coastal Patrols and about 30 E-boats from Ijmuiden operating in small groups in the Cromer area, 4 E-Boats were sunk and 7 damaged, 3 severely, about 19 prisoners being taken; and M.G.B. 607, which sank one of the E-boats by ramming, and MTB 442 both sustained damage casualties, the first Lieutenant of MTB 442 being killed.
7. 0210 Unit Y, M.G.Bs 607 and 603 Lieuts. R.M. Marshall R.N.V.R. and F.R. Lightoller R.N.V.R which had been fleeted North to cut off retiring E-Boats went into action about 25 miles N.E. of Smiths Knoll buoy and sank two E-Boats by gunfire, 607 sinking another by ramming. 607 considerably damaged with 4 killed and 7 seriously wounded. About 19 survivors taken prisoners.
8. About 0400 Unit J. M.T.Bs. 442 and 439 which had been ordered to position 10 miles North of Brown Ridge engaged E-Boats severely damaging one and damaging two others. 442 sustained damage and some casualties First Lieut. being killed.
The action for which Ernest earned the award of Distinguished Service Medal came in February 1944 when elements of the 3rd MTB Flotilla engaged a convoy once more off Ijmuiden, again detailed in the Admiralty Diary.
At 0400 today our M.T.B. patrols engaged an enemy convoy off Ijmuiden. M.T.B. 455 claims two torpedo-hits on a trawler, and other M.T.Bs damaged a second trawler and a flak-ship. A confused action followed in which one F/Boat and one E/Boat were claimed sunk and four E/Boats damaged. All the M.T.Bs. returned safely to Lowestoft; but M.T.B. 444 had her C.O. and 3 ratings killed and 2 ratings wounded, while 3 ratings in M.T.B. 443 and one in M.T.B. 455 were wounded.
The full action report for events of the 14th February 1944 as provided by the Admiralty War Diaries may be read by following the link provided.
Lest we forget