
South London Branch August 2009

Written by South London Branch | Posted on 17th August 2009

Chairman C Baker welcomed the 25 members present and Rev Grahame Berridge gave prayers for Branch members past and present, and ended with the Legion’s Prayer. The Chairman was pleased with the turnout in spite of the number (8) of apologies sent in by absent friends. Secretary R Harrison reminded shipmates of the Lottery’s Heroes Return 2 which was available until end 2010. He also reported the death of Harry Ley the Secretary of E. Anglia. Harry served on MTBs 672, 685 and 721. Forthcoming events:- T.S Trafalgar Sea Cadets Annual Inspection 18th September. Branch Meeting and Social Sunday 18th October. Treasurer C. Coe reported that Branch funds were in a healthy state. Social Secretary June Baker was sorry to report the sudden death of shipmate Geoff Hedger. Geoff, who often provided music at our social events, will be sorely missed. A wreath will be provided by the Branch for the Remembrance Service at HMS Hornet on 8th November. The meeting closed at 1137 hrs with the padre’s closing prayers. P.S. On the way out one member was overheard to mutter: “My memory’s not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my memory’s not as sharp as it used to be”. Ron Harrison