
What Happened to Them?

Written by: Benjamin "Nobby" Clark

Benjamin "Nobby" Clark, member 1036, wonders what has happened to the 11th ML (not HDML) Flotilla. This consisted of ML's 194 (S.O.),193, 191, 190, 189, 214 and 230. Nobby served (from May 1941 until 1943) as telegraphist in ML 189. When he passed as Leading Telegraphist he joined the 33rd ML Flotilla in ML 901 (S.O.'s boat). The 11th ML Flotilla had left for ‘Foreign Parts’ and for a few months Nobby received letters. After some time these ceased to arrive.

He says, in spite of watching the New Members list, he has seen nothing of his shipmates on my of the other ML's of the missing 11th. Any members, who served in the 11th ML Flotilla and remember 'Nobby', they can contact him at [redacted].

CFVA News: Edition: March 1995 Volume: 81 Page: 41