ML 1301 'Meda'

Motor Launches (ML), Harbour Defence Motor Launches (HDML) & Rescue Motor Launches (RML)
David Carter
Sub Lieutenant
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ML 1301 'Meda'

Postby David Carter » Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:34 pm

Here are two images of the current condition of ML 1301 aka 'HMS Meda' and 'Gibel Tariq'.
While under restoration in Holland this craft was vandalised, sunk, raised, and now sits on the quayside in Lelystadt. Its present owner tells me it is in bad condition because of the sinking last year. He is planning to build a 1940's theme park, which will display old vehicles, boats, cranes etc and a restaurant. The plan includes displaying 'Meda' under a roof while awaiting restoration.
1301 b.jpg
Images courtesy of Don Gray
1301 c.jpg
Later on the main site, there will be an article giving some details of her part played in the Mediterranean war theatre - the landings in Sicily, Salerno, Anzio and Elba - and her final sea voyage to Ijmuiden

Brian Holmes
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Re: ML 1301 'Meda'

Postby Brian Holmes » Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:11 pm

Sad to see the current state of HDML 1301.

There is an entry for her with pictures on the Medusa website. The text of which is below

Brian Holmes (Coxswain HDML 1387)

HDML_1301 Blackmore, Bideford, Devon 6/4/43
London Gazette 5/9/44 - For Operation Brassard of the landings on Elba 17/6/44
DSC Lt Peter William Spencer
During the landing on the South Coast of Elba, Lt Peter William Spencer in HDML 1301 was responsible for finding Louise Green Beach and for landing 9 LCA carrying the French Battalion de Choc at 0100 on 17 June 1944.
After releasing the craft for the last position of their run in, HDML 1301 was attacked by a German F-Lighter. In the action which followed, the Commanding Officer of HDML1301 was killed and the First Lt wounded. Lt Spencer took charge and brought the HDML back to SNO(L) in LC(H) 315, 4miles from the beach in time to lead in the US landing craft in the main assault on Kodak Green Beach at 0400. This officer displayed outstanding gallantry, initiative and determination of purpose. [Errol C L Turner, Captain RN, CO].
This recommendation is strongly concurred in. The successful manner in which the US landing craft were manoeuvred and brought in for the assault under heavy fire after the damage and casualties sustained by HDML 1301 in her encounter with the enemy 3 hours previously, was a splendid example of resolution and fighting spirit. [Rear Admiral Trowbridge].
Alan John Godfrey, Temporary Sub-Lt RNVR, awarded Mention in Dispatches. At about 0100 on 17 June 1944, HDML 1301 in which he was First Lt., had a close engagement with a German F-Lighter off the coast of Elba. He was wounded many times by shrapnel in the chest and back, and in spite of this he went aft to superintend the making of smoke. By doing so, he set a fine example to those around him, many of whom were wounded. [Errol C L Turner, Captain RN, CO].
London Gazette 11/12/45 - Wind up of the war in Europe
MID POEng Lawrence Lamb LT/KX125465
MID LSea Ralph Pritchard P/J42257

Known Crew
Lt Frank Leslie Carter HMS Letitia (AMC) as a rating. ML 231 as First Lieutenant in 1942 at Scapa Flow Commanding Officer HDML 13011/2/43 Who died of wounds during the landings on Elba on Saturday 17 June 1944 in M.L. 1301. Son of Frederick Gordon and Jessie Lilian Carter; husband of Kathleen May Carter, of Wood Green, Middlesex. Buried in Biguglia War Cemetery, Corsica . Born 26/3/14 in Edmonton, Middlesex
Lt Peter William Spencer
Lt J T K Paisley RN (Commanding Officer 5/45) Surveyor 2nd Class
TSLt Alan John Godfrey RNVR First Lieutenant HDML 1301 30/4/43 HMS Gregale 18/6/44 HMS Orlando (RN base, TLt 1/1/45 Greenock) (for staff duties) 10/45 Born in Chertsey district, Surrey ? and died in Cambridge
POEng Lawrence Lamb LT/KX125465
LSea Ralph Pritchard P/J42257

Wartime Activities
10/7/43 Operation Husky Invasion of Sicily
9/9/43 Operation Avalanche -Salerno Landings
17/6/44 Operation Brassard - Invasion of Elba
HDML 1301 is to take station 200 yards, 335o from LC (H) 315 ready for LCAs to form up. He is to show a steady red light towards the group. Craft are to be manned and formed up as quickly as possible in accordance with the diagram below. Lt P W Spencer will be embarked on LCI (L) 303 with the Commander of Battalion de Choc and is to transfer to HDML 1301 as LCAs are forming up
At H–2.45hrs HDML1301 is to lead off to position 211, Marina di Capo light 25.5 cables, marked by PT 211 who will flash Z’s. HDML 1301 is to pass him at H–2.10hrs and steer to arrive at the inner release position 236, Marina di Capo light 21.5 cables at H–1.95hrs. This course is in line with Mt Caponne, the highest point on the island.
The Folboat in position 248, Marina di Capo light 17.2 cables, will be flashing L’s to seaward from H–2.25hrs until passed by the LCAs. Don’t worry if the light not sighted – the light may not have made it. As soon as the HDML 1301 stops, the Flotilla Officer is to reduce speed and turn his flotilla to starboard and make straight for the beach.
On clearing the beech craft are to return to HDML 1301 at slow speed, on no account rev up engines unless fired on by enemy. Form up in original order except both LCS (M) on starboard side ready to return to waiting area. When Lt Spencer in HDML 1301 has collected his group, he is to steer at slow speed to waiting area C for 10 minutes. After this, he is to check compasses with Flotilla Officer.
During the Main Assault Lt Spencer in HDML1301 will wait at (R). When the group arrives, he is to take up a position 100 yards east of LST 4. LCV (P) are to form up as follows: As each LST completes loading her 5 craft, they are to form up and close HDML 1301 which will be stationed 100 yards east of LST4. At H–85, HDML 1301 will lead off to join up astern of main assault flight which will be marked by HDML 1246 showing a red light toward convoy.
Assault on Kodak Green Beach. On reaching position 093o Marina di Capo light 10 cables, HDML 1301 is to lead the 14 LCV(P) round to starboard until heading for the beach, when he is to stop. LCV(P) Flotilla Officer is to proceed on in and to touch down in two waves, first at H–10. Both waves must beach on either side of the rock in the centre, the fist wave clearing outwards to allow the second to come in.
On clearing the beach, LCV (P) are to rejoin HDML1301 who is to lead them out in line ahead on a reciprocal course keeping as close to the coast as possible. Major LCs will be entering at some time but it is the responsibility of the minor LCs to keep out of their way. HDML1301 will lead them back to (R) proceeding on a track ½ mile east of approach course. Lt Spencer in HDML 1301 is to proceed at full speed to (T) as soon as LCV(P) have found parent LSTs. On arrival he is to take up position as "Return Convoy Controller" where he will be joined by LCI(L)316 and transfer to it.
On the South Coast one or two F-Lighters thought to have been evacuating Pianosa Garrison, possibly accompanied by an E-boat were sighted at 0030 by the PT boats. … Short engagement, both PT boats damaged, one man killed. One of the F-Lighters then encountered ML1301 which had just released the 9 MCAs making the most westerly landing. ML1301 came under heavy cannon and machine-gun fore to which she replied. The Captain was killed, First Lt and 5 ratings injured. F-Lighter then passed into Golfo di Campo without sighting the landing craft. The F-Lighter appears to have rounded Elba to the west after encounter with PT Boats.
During all this time ML 1301 and her 9 LCAs and 2 LCS (M) for Louise Green were not having such an easy time. They led off from position (R) at 2350 hours and the approach to this dispersal point was not entirely to plan. The only exception was PT 211 who was well over to eastward but as the details of the land were clearly visible this caused no difficulty. The Folboat was in the correct position.
At 0055 ML 1301 was lying pointing roughly North-West having released the LCAs at 0040 in position 9 cables 198o centre of Louise Green, when a vessel was sighted off the Port Bow steaming South-East about 2 cables distant. It looked like an F-Lighter and this was confirmed a second or two later when German voices were heard. Guns were trained on the enemy but it was hoped they would not see us.
The enemy opened fire about 10 seconds after we first sighted him with intense 20mm and machine gun fire. At the same time, fire was returned and many of the ship’s company reported hearing screams as Orlikon bursts found their marks. The enemy disengaged and when last seen was steaming for Golfo di Campo. At 0105 hours, course was set for position (R) as I considered it paramount import to report presence of the enemy and secure medical assistance.
All casualties were transformed to LC (H) 315 and Sub Lt Rossiter, one of SNO (L)’s staff and one signalman lent to him. ML 1301 then proceeded to the LST to gather up the 14 LCV (P)s he was to lead to Kodak Green Beach.

Post War Fate
1945 Enployed on port surveys in the Mediterranean
1946 Mediterranean Survey Unit 2
Survey work off Pantelleria, the Adriatic, Greek Islands, Piraeus, Cyprus and Beirut
1947 Survey work off Tobruk, Cyrenaica, Cyprus and Malta
Survey Motor Launch = SML 352
1948 Survey work off Zuara, Tripoli and Cyprus
Returned to the United Kingdom to replace HMS Gulnare
1949 Renamed HMS Meda and employed on survey duties in the approaches to Portsmouth, the Solent, Portland and off the Channel Islands.
1950 Survey work off Portsmouth and in the Solent
1951 Survey work off Portsmouth and in the Solent
1952 Survey work off Portsmouth and in the Solent
1953 Survey work off Portsmouth, Chichester and in the Solent
1954 Survey work off Portsmouth, Plymouth, Bembridge Harbour and Chichester Harbour
1955 Survey work off Portsmouth, Plymouth, Dartmouth and the Beaulieu River
1956 Survey work off Portsmouth, in the Solent, the Needles Passage and Devonport.
(Renamed HMS Meda before this point)
1957 Survey work off Portsmouth, Shoreham, Portland and in Swanage Bay.
1958 Survey work off Portsmouth, Rye Bay, Swanage Bay and the approaches to Par and Charlestown
1959 Survey work off Portsmouth, Cowes, Alderney and Braye.
25/6/66 Sold
2002 = Gibel Tarik Based in Gibraltar
2008 Sold to Dutch Owners and transferred to Ijmuiden

David Carter
Sub Lieutenant
Posts: 94
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Re: ML 1301 'Meda'

Postby David Carter » Wed Sep 18, 2013 2:27 pm

HDML 1301
Some of you have asked for news of this boat. It sailed from Gibraltar to Ijmuiden, Netherlands in 2007. The then owner intended to restore it to 1943 external appearance, but keep 21st Century internal comforts. Unfortunately being moored on a (fresh water) canal did not agree with its 70 year old timbers, and in 2009 it sank on its moorings. It was raised and passed on to a young man – Dop Huisman – who also wants to restore it. He cleaned it out, got the engines running and sailed it to his home in Lelystadt, where it has been lifted on to the quayside. Dop’s intention is to create a living museum, showing the old industries of the Netherlands, including boat building. So he arranged for the boat to be moved by lorry to the site of the proposed museum, which will be built round it. To keep up to date with developments, look at his website:
Although it’s written in Dutch, Google provide an English translation.

David Carter

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Re: ML 1301 'Meda'

Postby johnk » Wed Sep 18, 2013 3:33 pm

Hi there,

Very interesting indeed, I had quite forgotten about this vessel, although saw some shots a few years ago now of her, she certainly have been through it, and not just war service of course, well I do hope she has found a better home now and may be looked after for the future, many thanks,


Chief Petty Officer
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Re: ML 1301 'Meda'

Postby johnk » Wed Sep 18, 2013 3:46 pm

Hi Again,

Yes, some interesting photos, if I could get the translation to work, be even better! but still, seems quite an industrious site, much timber cutting, any how, again, wish the chap all the best in saving this historic craft.


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Re: ML 1301 'Meda'

Postby Admin » Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:03 pm

The following photos feature some unknown members of crew of ML 1301. Does anyone recognise any of the faces that are not named?
Unknown crew member onboard ML 1301
Some of the crew of ML 1301 with a little girl Angelina, whose mother cleaned their uniforms
Lieutenant Frank Leslie Carter with other crew members at a rest camp at ischia. Do you recognise any of the faces?
Sub-Lieutenant Alan 'Duke' Goddard with Lieutenant Frank Leslie Carter onboard ML 1301 in the Mediterranean
Lieutenant Frank Leslie Carter, CO of ML 1301

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Re: ML 1301 'Meda'

Postby hospers » Sun Jul 02, 2017 8:48 pm

The ML 1301 Meda is still at the museum ( in Dronten on the quasite. The museum would open in 2012 but by all sorts of difficulties it opened in June 2016, although it is still not quite finished. There for, there was little time to spend on the ML 1301 Meda. From 2012 to 2017 nothing was done on the ship.
Now we are going to make it possible, that small groups (4 or 5 people) in the boat can look under guidance. First, the roof and deck must be waterproof. We are now working on it. There are not enough volunteers now (experts) to work on the ship.
We read all the sites on the internet about the Meda, but there are still many questions to answer.
QWZXBQNN.jpg (8.85 KiB) Viewed 45109 times

David Carter
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Re: ML 1301 'Meda'

Postby David Carter » Tue Jul 04, 2017 11:31 am

Hello Hospers
Thank you for posting these new photos of the ship in a rather sorry state. What information do you need? I have a hatch cover for the ship languishing in my garden. Please contact me on for further details. David Carter

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Re: ML 1301 'Meda'

Postby Stephen » Thu Aug 03, 2017 4:10 pm

Hello Hospers,
I intend to visit the Netherlands next month and was wondering if it would be possible to visit HDML 1301 then? I'm not sure exactly what day yet, but I think it will be around Monday 19th September.

David Carter
Sub Lieutenant
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Re: ML 1301 'Meda'

Postby David Carter » Thu Aug 03, 2017 5:01 pm


Will you be travelling to Holland by car? If so, I have a hatch cover for a HDML to be taken there. David C

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Re: ML 1301 'Meda'

Postby Stephen » Thu Aug 03, 2017 5:08 pm

Sorry David, bicycle. With the panniers and tent on the rear rack, I'm afraid I may be just a little short of space for a hatch cover as well!

David Carter
Sub Lieutenant
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Re: ML 1301 'Meda'

Postby David Carter » Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:48 pm

That sounds fun = Holland is very cycle friendly!

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Re: ML 1301 'Meda'

Postby Pioneer » Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:35 pm

ML 1301 now has her own website - click for the English version

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