MTB 208

Motor Torpedo Boats (MTB)
David Carter
Sub Lieutenant
Posts: 94
Joined: Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:06 pm

MTB 208

Postby David Carter » Sun Jul 24, 2016 8:42 pm

MTB 208

Our member James Battison is restoring MTB 208 at Port Hampton - the site of the Thorneycroft works. It is 75 years since she was originally launched, so James has invited CFVA members to visit on 12th August. If you come by car, there is a car park on the Lower Sunbury Road; if you travel by train, come to Hampton Court Station - there is a jetty where I can collect you by boat and take you to Port Hampton. Let James or me know if you intend coming.

Chief Petty Officer
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Re: MTB 208

Postby johnk » Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:30 pm

Hi there,

Just spotted this last, pity I am working that day but what a great offer, be great if possible to see some pics of her...I have made contact before here, was at the traditional boat festival but missed CFV stand as you were there on Sunday?, I also think I am due to pay my subs, but have no postal address for a cheque, if you could revert that would be to all,


Brian Holmes
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Re: MTB 208

Postby Brian Holmes » Mon Jul 25, 2016 8:04 pm

MTB_208 J S White, Cowes Isle of Wight 13/8/42

For a series of actions in the Channel (Gazette Date - 21/11/44)
DSM ACMtrMch Philip Dundas P/MX79030
MID ALSea Kenneth Arthur Charles Childs D/JX186892
DSM AB David Matthew Collin C/JX352622

For Operation Neptune - passage of troops and supplies during the assault on Normandy
DSM LSea Leonard Samuel Dagwell Stapley P/JX149109

Birthday Honours 1945
MID AB Henry Edward Hamill D/JX364976

Known Crew
TLt Peter John Liddell RNVR Commanding Officer MTB 208 8/8/42. TLt 1/8/43 Commanding Officer MTB 386 18/10/44 Farmed in Cumberland, 1959-1976. Chairman, North West Water Authority, 1973-1978; Member, National Water Council, since 1973. Member: Cumberland River Board, 1954-1965; Cumberland River Authority, 1964-1974 (Vice-Chairman, 1967-1970, Chairman, 1970-1973); Chairman, Association of River Authorities, 1971-1974 (Vice-Chairman, 1969-1971; Chairman Fisheries Committee, 1966-1971); Member International Advisory Group, Internatational Salmon Foundation, NYC, 1970- (Chairman, 1970-1972); President: Institution of Fisheries Management, 1972- (Vice-President 1969-1972); River Eden and District Fisheries Association, 1970- (Chairman 1956-1970). Member Executive Committee: Central Council of Physical Recreation, 1968-1973; Salmon and Trout Association; Atlantic Salmon Res. Trust Ltd; Scottish Salmon Angling Federation Member, The Sports Council, 1969-1971; Chairman, Northern Sports Council, 1971-1974 (Deputy Chairman, 1967-1971); Vice-Chairman, Standing Conference of Northern Sport and Recreation, 1967-1971; Member: Fisheries Advisory Committee,
Water Resources Board, 1967-1971; Inland Waterways Amenity Advisory Council, 1971-1974; Water Committtee, Country Landowners Association, 1971-1975, and 1977-; British Committee, International Water Supply Association, 1971- (Chairman, 1974-); Water Space Amenity Commission; Council, Freshwater Biological Association (Honorary Treasurer, 1975-); Council, Estuarine and Brackish Water Sciences Assoc. Membre d'Honneur, Association Nationale de Défense des Rivières à Saumons, Paris. Winston Churchill Travelling Fellowship, 1968. Mem. RIPA, MBIM. FZS, FIFM, FRSA. Visiting Fellow, University of Salford. Freeman: City of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1953; City of London, 1969.
Published: The Salmon Rivers of Eire: a report (1971); articles in various journals, yearbooks, etc DSC 1944 Born 2/6/21 and died 11/5/79 in Carlisle
TSLt E J P Williams RNVR MTB 208 8/8/42
TSLt Percy Randall Everett RNVR TSLt HMS St Christopher for MLs 3/11/41 HMS Attack (Portland) for small craft 24/9/42 13th MTB Flotilla Based at Portland, Dover, Newhaven and Portsmouth MTB 208 4/43 TLt 11/3/44 Commanding Officer MTB 210 For a series of actions in the Channel DSC 1944 Born in South Shields district, Durham 11/3/21 and died 6/93 at Wycombe
ACMtrMch Philip Dundas P/MX79030 13th MTB Flotilla Based at Portland, Dover, Newhaven and Portsmouth MTB 208 Operation Neptune - Invasion of Normandy For a series of actions in the Channel (Gazette Date - 21/11/44) DSM
LSea Leonard Samuel Dagwell Stapley P/JX149109 13th MTB Flotilla Based at Portland, Dover, Newhaven and Portsmouth MTB 208 For Operation Neptune - passage of troops and supplies during the assault on Normandy DSM
ALSea Kenneth Arthur Charles Childs D/JX186892 13th MTB Flotilla Based at Portland, Dover, Newhaven and Portsmouth MTB 208 Operation Neptune - Invasion of Normandy For a series of actions in the Channel MID
AB David Matthew Collin C/JX352622 13th MTB Flotilla Based at Portland, Dover, Newhaven and Portsmouth MTB 208 Operation Neptune - Invasion of Normandy For a series of actions in the Channel DSM
AB Henry Edward Hamill D/JX364976 MTB 208 Birthday Honours 1945 MID

Wartime Activities
13th MTB Flotilla
MTB 205, MTB 206, MTB 207, MTB 208, MTB 209, MTB 210, MTB 211 and MTB 212
Based at Portland, Dover, Newhaven and Portsmouth
23-4/5/44 MTB 208, MTB 209, MTB 246 and MTB 247 are returning from escorting MLs on a minelaying operation when they are vectored to attack a patrol of five Torpedo Boats and three minesweepers. MTB 208 and MTB 209 make an unobserved approach and fire torpedoes. At least one torpedo from MTB 208 hits a torpedo boat which sinks. MTB 246 and MTB 247 attempt an attack but are beaten off by gunfire.
Operation Neptune - Invasion of Normandy
18-9/8/44 HMS Melbreak, MTB 208, MTB 209, MTB 210 and MTB 212 engage M Class Minesweepers from 36th M Flotilla escorted by boats from 14th R Boat Flotilla near Cap d’ Antifer. MTB 208 hits R218 with a torpedo from 600 yards. R218 is torpedoed and sunk.
23-4/8/44 The 15th V-Flotilla (KKpt. Rall) with 2 Trawlern, 1 U-Jäger, 16 KFKs, 2 R-Boats and 2 others under tow transfer from Le Havre to Dieppe. Off Cap d´Antifer and Fécamp they attacked firstly by the Frigate HMS Thornborough (Lt. Brown), the destroyer HMS Talybont (Lt. Holdsworth), MTB 695, MTB 694 and MTB 692 and later by the Frigate HMS Retalick (Lt. Brownrigg), the destroyer HMS Melbreak (Lt. Kirby) and MTB 212, MTB 208 and MTB 205. V 716 and R 229 are damaged R 219 is sunk by fighter bombers in the entrance to Dieppe Harbour in position 49 56N 001 04E.
26-7/8/44 HMS Retalick (Lt. Brownrigg) with MTB 208 and MTB 210, as well as HMS Middleton (Lt. Cox) with MTB 252, MTB 256, PT 520, PT 511 and PT 514 are in action with the Eighth Gunboat Flottilla and the Fourteenth R Boat Flottilla an. AF 13, AF 98 and AF 108 are sunk.
Series of actions in the Channel (Gazette Date - 21/11/44)
12/44 For Disposal

Post War Fate
Houseboat = Nonsuch 2 at West Moseley

David Carter
Sub Lieutenant
Posts: 94
Joined: Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:06 pm

Re: MTB 208

Postby David Carter » Fri Aug 12, 2016 7:13 pm

We're celebrating this boat's 75th birthday this weekend. I attach photos of the boat - under restoration - with its proud owner James. The beer-can was given to James's grandfather who served on board HMS Vanguard during the Royal visit to Australia.

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Re: MTB 208

Postby adamedward54 » Fri Nov 25, 2016 6:27 pm

Took a trip down the towpath in the Autumn sun to take a few phots.Great effort by James,its looking shipshape.Will return to checkout progress in 2017,thanks for heads up,Adam

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Re: MTB 208

Postby curmudgeon » Sat Sep 30, 2017 6:38 pm

It's great to see that MTB 208 is still floating and is currently being restored. In the mid-sixties my father bought MTB 208 for £500 and had it towed from Chichester on the South coast to Teddington where it was dry docked. He cleaned and painted the hull then had it towed to D'Oyly Carte Island on the Thames at Weybridge and renamed it Hotspur, where my family lived on it for 18 months. I heard later that it had been bought by a wealthy man and taken to the South of France to be converted into a luxury yacht but I have no confirmation of this. I'm glad that it is being restored and will be preserved as it is such a beautiful vessel. The best of luck in your wonderful project.

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Re: MTB 208

Postby Ayaan » Fri Feb 16, 2018 3:58 pm

David Carter wrote: Sun Jul 24, 2016 8:42 pm MTB 208

Our member James Battison is restoring MTB 208 at Port Hampton - the site of the Thorneycroft works. It is 75 years since she was originally launched, so James has invited CFVA members to visit on 12th August. If you come by car, there is a car park on the Lower Sunbury Road; if you travel by train, come to Hampton Court Station - there is a jetty where I can collect you by boat and take you to Port Hampton. Let James or me know if you intend coming.
Hello, I am hoping to get in touch with James Battison about MTB 208 please. It is about a media enquiry, any help would be appreciated.

David Carter
Sub Lieutenant
Posts: 94
Joined: Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:06 pm

Re: MTB 208

Postby David Carter » Sun Feb 18, 2018 2:40 pm

Hello Ayaan

I've left a message on James's answerphone about your enquiry. Can you give me your contact details, please. David Carter (Secretary)

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Re: MTB 208

Postby Ayaan » Mon Mar 05, 2018 5:42 pm


Apologies for the delay! Thank you very much for this, my email address is ayaan.ahmed (at)

David Carter
Sub Lieutenant
Posts: 94
Joined: Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:06 pm

Re: MTB 208

Postby David Carter » Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:46 pm

Thanks Ayaan

I've passed that to James Battison.


David Carter

Jeff Bones
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Re: MTB 208

Postby Jeff Bones » Thu Nov 12, 2020 1:59 pm

Hello all. I recently discovered my maternal Grandfather, William Fitzgerald P/JX322962, served aboard MTB's. Firstly with 202 for three months and then 208 from 13/08/42 to 06/11/44. Among his memorabilia were some pictures that I will post below.

William was a AntiAircraft Gunner and rose in ranks from AB through to Acting PO. He continued in MTB's with 386 until September 1945 before ending his service with 764 until Jan 1946.

Apologies for the upside down! Feel free to download :)

David Carter
Sub Lieutenant
Posts: 94
Joined: Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:06 pm

Re: MTB 208

Postby David Carter » Thu Nov 12, 2020 2:54 pm


Thank you for posting the photos. I will make sure the present owner of MTB 208 sees them.

I have sent you a private message containing my e-mail address. Would you please contact me, so that we can arrange for your aunt to visit the boat.


David Carter
(CFVA Secretary)

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