I have found some more of my late Father's wartime paperwork. I have a Transport Work Ticket authorising him to take an Albion Workshop Lorry from advance CF Base Santa Margherita in the Gulf of Genoa to Leghorn via Spizia in June 45 loaded with Engineering stores. He would also talk about driving a lorry down to Naples from Leghorn to collect equipment. I now have his full war record from RN P & V ledger which shows where he was for the whole war. He was at HMS St. Angelo May 44, HMS Verdala and HMS Gregale July 44, ML 308, CFB Maddalena Aug 44 - Jan 45, US PT 308 passage to Leghorn (thumbed a lift!), Leghorn Jan 45 - Aug 45 ( he was actually with ML 569 in the Gulf of Genoa at this time), ML569, CFB Leghorn, ML 338, ML 560 San Stefani, Leghorn Oct 45 - Jan 46, St Angelo Jan 46 - Mar 46 and HMS Victory Mar 46 - Jun 46.