MTB 638

Motor Torpedo Boats (MTB)
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MTB 638

Postby smurf55t » Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:58 pm

is there any body out there serve on 638 while stationed in Vis, would be interested to here from you as my father was crew, charlie smorthit.

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Re: MTB 638

Postby Pioneer » Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:02 pm

Hello 'smurf55t'

Welcome aboard mate - nice to see that you have found us. :tu:
Keep 'popping' back, someone may see your request
How's about this for starters. Off our old Home Page, it shows one the last RN type of 'D's', (built during March 1945). Fairly bristling with armament, shame that none survived.
Dog 5015.jpg
Dog 5015.jpg (109.21 KiB) Viewed 429101 times

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Re: MTB 638

Postby smurf55t » Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:41 pm

thanks pioneer, always interested in the coastal forces, god bless all the members, shall keep an eye on the the posts.
great website keep up the good work :)

edwin pedley
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Re: MTB 638

Postby edwin pedley » Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:49 pm

my name is edwin pedley i was able seaman st 565700 and served on MTB 649 does anyone out there know of any other surviving crew members that i could get in touch with

many thanks edwin pedley

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Re: MTB 638

Postby kendavid » Sun Mar 06, 2011 3:11 pm

My father in law served on the 638 in VIS in 1944. His name is Ken David. He was a sub lieutenant at the time and he would be interested to hear from anybody else who served at that time.

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Re: MTB 638

Postby retr » Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:04 am

Hiya Smurf55t

I am currently researching my late fathers Naval history and am awaiting his service record. AB Joseph Vaughan D/JX.251050. He was awarded the D.S.M for gallantry whilst serving as pom-pom gunner on MTB 638 in a series of very successful actions carried out by a force of Light Coastal Craft, during the night of 11th/12th October 1944.

I am trying to find out as much about it as I can, as dad never spoke about it all. Any information from the forum members would be greatly apreciated and welcomed.

Kind Regards
Rita Moylan

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Re: MTB 638

Postby Pioneer » Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:31 am

Hello 'retr', Welcome aboard

Currently, what we have on Joseph Vaughan is - Service Number D/JX 251050 - Investiture date 23rd October 1945. "For an attack on an enemy convoy in the Adriatic on the 11th October 1944"

We (at the web site) are in the early stages of constructing another database where such details, (and hopefully much more) will be made freely available to our readers.

If you have any photo's of Joseph or of 'his' boats etc, we would appreciate a mail via our e-address -


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Re: MTB 638

Postby smurf55t » Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:54 pm

interesting stuff rita, my father was a loader on a twin horlickan and a stocker on 638 so he should no him, l will show him your message and let you now how l get on, he was on 638 from comissioning untill it was decomisioned.
so he shoul no him

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Re: MTB 638

Postby retr » Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:42 pm

Hi Smurf55t and Pioneer

Thanks for the reply, I would be very interested to know if your dad remembers my dad!!!! though we lost him in 1993 sadly, I am trying to find out as much as I can to keep his memory alive.

I only found this forum by chance and have been trying another RN forum which has been helpful, but thought that MTB's is more a "specialist" area which hopefully this forum can support.

Any photos I get I will upload, and I do have a citation, local newspaper clippings etc. which once I get all together will attach on this forum. I have sent off for his service record, but have been told it could take 30 days or more to receive.

I am so grateful to all who have shown an interest and hope we can find out more?????

Kind Regards
Rita Moylan

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Re: MTB 638

Postby smurf55t » Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:41 am

Here is photo of the crew of MTB 638, which I think was taken in Malta. Chales Smorthit is third from the left in the middle row.
Crew of MTB 638
crew-of-mtb-638.jpg (54.02 KiB) Viewed 428416 times

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Re: MTB 638

Postby retr » Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:19 am

Hi Smurf55t
What a cracking photo!!!
I was really excited to see it, and after scanning it over many times looking at the faces of the crew I couldn't see my dad! .
I know he served on MTB 638 so don't know why he is not there???? I know as well as Vir/Vis 11.10.44 he was also in Valetta Harbour, Malta and Scicily too but don't have dates yet! hopefully his service record will enlighten us more of his service/boats/dates etc.

I have a couple of pictures of him and will try to send on to amin whilst I am waiting for other research documentation to come.

Did your dad remember his name at all?? Joe, Joey, Joseph Vaughan????

Kind Regards
Rita Moylan

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Re: MTB 638

Postby smurf55t » Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:54 pm

high rita
l printed out the forum posts for my father to read and he does remember the action you were refering to, l told him l posted his crew photo. l'll have a word and try and get some more info on it, he did remember ken david sub lieut.
if you email me at l can send you a copy of the crew photo.
l will see if also he has any outher photo's of crew.
he did also say that the crew did not change very often unless there was someone injured
regards smurf

Brian Holmes
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Re: MTB 638

Postby Brian Holmes » Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:54 pm

High time I posted this

MGB_638 A M Dickie & Sons, Bangor, Wales 14/12/42

For an attack on an enemy convoy in the Adriatic 11/10/44
DSC TLt Dennis Herert Lummis RNVR
DSM AB Joseph Vaughan D/JX251050
MID CMtrMch Stanley James Gifford P/MX117919
MID PO Lawrence Raymond Clutterbuck P/SSX28126
MID AB James Carl McCartney C/JX354435

For an attack on four German lighters in the Gulf of Venice 8/4/5
MID TSLt Kenneth Evan Llewellyn David RNVR

Known Crew
TLt Robert John BURREL RNVR THIRD OFFICER MTB 615 25/11/43 Commanding Officer MGB 638 2/45 _ ?) BORN 28.11.1923 in London. Called to Bar, Inner Temple, 1948; Bencher, Inner Temple, 1980; Member: Senate of Inns of Court and the Bar, 1983-85; Council of Legal Educn, 1984-. Mem., Paddington Borough Council, 1949-56 (Chm. Housing Cttee, 1953-56); Chairman: Plant Varieties and Seeds Tribunal, 1974-; Pres., Ligue Internationale contre la Concurrence Déloyale (Paris), 1980-82 (Vice¬Pres., 1978-80); Mem., EEC Working Cttee, EEC Trade Mark Law, 1975-77 Died 24.10.1985
TLt Dennis Herbert Lummis RNVR First Lieutenant MTB 52 15/06/42, First Lieutenant MTB 649 10/12/42 TLt 1/11/43 and Commanding Officer MTB 638 1/3/44. HMS Gregale (Malta) 3/9/45 DSC 1945 Born 17/5/20 in Woodbridge, Suffolk and died 12/2003 in Ipswich, Suffolk
TLt E Rose (Commanding Officer 1943)
TSLt Kenneth Evan Llewellyn David RNVR
CMtrMch Stanley James Gifford P/MX117919
PO Lawrence Raymond Clutterbuck P/SSX28126
AB Joseph Vaughan D/JX251050
AB James Carl McCartney C/JX354435

War Activities
32nd MTB Flotilla
MTB 633, MTB 634, MTB 635, MTB 636, MTB 637, MTB 638, MTB 639, MTB 640
14-15/4/43 MTB 634, MTB 638 and MGB 643 depart Bone after dark to destroy two enemy vessels stranded near Cape Zehib and bombard the beach east of Ras-el-Dukara.
0025 MTB 634, MTB 638 and MGB 643 are stopped observing the stranded vessels and nearby Bizerta for further targets. The larger vessel appears to be afloat and uses a lamp to signal a coatguard station.
0055 Several four star red flares are seen towards Bizerta. MTB 634 closes the larger vessel and fires one torpedo which slews to starboard and explodes on the beach. MTB 634 fires a second torpedo which hits the vessel and appears to break her back. All three vessels close and engage with gunfire for about four minutes. The three vessels then head out to sea to check on the reported flares and sight two U boats heading eastwards. MTB 638 attacks with torpedoes but misses. The other boats follow up with gunfire and depth charges. MGB 643 conducts a depth charge attack but both U boats dive and escape.
MGB 643 then sights destroyers or large torpedo boats around half a mile away. MTB 634 attempt a depth charge attack but the vessels retire at high speed. All three boats then disengage, carry out the ordered bombardment and return to Bone at 0845 with no damage or casualties.
1/44 57th MTB/MGB Flotilla
MGB 638, MGB 659, MGB 660, MGB 662, MGB 674, MTB 634, MTB 637, MTB 670
Based at Bastia, Brindisi, Komiza and Ancona
10/10/44 At 1300, MGB 662 with MTBs 634, 637 and 638 depart Komiza for a patrol off Zara and intendin to lay up at Ist. MTB 634 is sent ahead to Ist to contact an LRDG patrol and partisans to gather intelligence. MTB 634 passes on a report of a northbound convoy seen, by the LRDG patrol, to enter Zara three or four days previously. MGB 662 with
1945 MTBs 634, 637 and 638 pass between Ist and Mulat and alter course towards Vis.
2040 MGB 662 with MTBs 634, 637 and 638 are lying stopped off Vis in thundery weather.
2245 Three white flares are observed over Mulat.
2347 Tracer is observed from what appears to be a land battle on Ist. Some people believe it is a low level air attack or an E Boat. The firing ceases but, ten minutes later more firing is observed near Mulat. This includes 88mm tracer.
11/10.44 At 0039, MTB 634 is detached to contact the LTDG or partisans for information.
0223 MTB 634 makes a radio report of the earlier presence of two destroyers, conducting a bombardment, in the area of firing. MTB 634 also passes on a partisan report of a Flak Lighter. MGB 662 with MTBs 637 and 638 rendezvous with MTB 634 off Kok Point and set course between Skarda and Ist.
0345 MGB 662 with MTBs 634, 637 and 638 break off the search and return to Ist. At 0900, partisans report a two funnelled warship, in a cove, on the east coast of Mulat.
1000 The report is modified to a Flak Lighter. At 1100, to an E Boat and, at 1200, to nothing.
1700 A conferencee is held with local forces.
1825 MGB 662 with MTBs 634, 637 and 638 depart for Vir.
2220 MTB 634 is damaged when a con rod is pushed through the crank case of the starboard outer engine and most of the engine room crew are overcome by fumes.
2245 MGB 662 with MTBs 634, 637 and 638 roll in what appears to be the wake of large ships.
2300 MGB 662 with MTBs 634, 637 and 638 set off northward and sights four Flak Lighters, on the port bow, at 400 yards.
2306 The German force opens fire on MGB 662 killing a pom pom loading number. A fire in the pom pom ready use locker is extinguished. MGB 662 with MTBs 634, 637 and 638 return fire and MTB 638 illuminates with starshell. MGB 662 observes a Pil Boat blow up with a resultant petrol fire spreading across the surface. An E Boat is also seen to blow up. A second Pil Boat is sunk and a Flak Lighter damaged. MGB 662 passes through the German force and lies stopped waiting for the remainder of the force to join her. MTB 634 attempts a torpedo attack but gets too close and engages a Flak Lighter with gunfire causing serious damage and starting major fires. MTB 634 engages two further Flak Lighters causing damage. One Flak Lighter is seen to sink. MTBs 637 and 638 engage Flak Lighters and set them on fire.
2317 MTB 637 sihts two capsized vessels.
2346 A capsized Flak Lighter is sighted close inshore off Vis Light.
2353 Vessels are sighted and MTB 637 illuminates with starshell. MGB 662 engages a Flak Lighter and a Pil or E Boat. The Flak Lighter is sunk and the other vessel damaged. Fire comes from behind the British force and this is returned before breaking off the action assessing the situation and returning to attack at 0151.
0221 MGB 662 illuminates with starshell and nothin is seen. Two small objects are engaged north of Vir Light. MGB 662 and MTB 634 continue to illuminate with starshell.
0251 MGB 662 with MTBs 634, 637 and 638 turn southwest at 8 kts.
0254 A Flak Lighter is sighted at 400 yards.
0256 MTB 634 makes a torpedo attack achieving two hits on the Flak Lighter.
0310 MGB 662 closes the wreckage and, having passed through a cloud of smoke, sights two Flak Lighters and other smaller craft 50 yards away and lying beached. The force engages with gunfire causing further damage.
0337 MTB 637 sinks a Flak Lighter by torpedo. During the action, MGB 662 with MTBs 634, 637 and 638 have sunk six Flak Lighters, four Pil Boats and an E Boat. Another Flak Lighter is probably sunk and an E Boat is possibly sunk. Two other E Boats are damaged.
21/10/44 MGBs 659, 662 and 674 with MTBs 637 and 638 are on passage from Vis to Ist when they sight a German convoy of four I Boats. Two I Boats are sunk and two captured. Ninety two prisoners are taken. MGBs 659, 662 and 674 with MTBs 637 and 638 have intercepted an attempted evacuation of Dubrovnik
1/11/44 Operation Exterminate - At 1700, HMS Wheatland, HMS Avondale, MTBs 274, 285 and 295, MGBs 633, 638 and 642 and ML 494 sail. HMS Wheatland and HMS Avondale are to land a South African shore watching party on the north side of Pag. MTBs 274, 285 and 295 are to patrol west of Pag. MGBs 633, 638 and 642 are to parol between Ptemuda and Asinello. At c1950, MTBs 274, 285 and 295 sight two German destroyers, DD 202 and DD 208, on a southerly course. HMS Wheatland and HMS Avondale engage the destroyers settin them on fire. HMS Wheatland and HMS Avondale close in and engage with close range weapons until the destroyers sink. A third enemy destroyer, Audace, appears, is engaged by HMS Wheatland and HMS Avondale and sunk.
22-3/12/44 Operation Antagonise Two. MGBs 638, 643, 662 and 674 with two Hunt Class destroyers attack Lussinpiccolo. The destroyers bombard and the MGBs enter the harbour. An E Boat and EMBs are attacked.
8/4/45 An attack on four German lighters in the Gulf of Venice
9-10/4/45 MTBs 633, 634 and 638 with MGB 662 are on patrol off the Arsa Channel. Four Flak Lighters are detected by Radar at 8000 yards and MTBs 633, 634 and 638 with MGB 662 attack from inshore with torpedoes which miss. The Flak Lighters engage with 88mm and 20mm guns. MTBs 633 and 638 are hit and stopped. In MTB 633, the Commanding Officer is severely wounded and the Coxswain is killed. MGB 662 and MTB 634 close and engage with gunfire. MGB 662 is hit by three 88mm rounds. Three men are killed and five men are severely wounded. The Flak Lighters reach the entrance to the channel. MTBs 633, and 634 with MGB 662 close MTB 638 to render assistance. The foredeck is under water but MTB 634 takes MTB in tow, stern first, to Ancona.

Post War Fate
30/1/46 Lost on passage Malta – Alexandria

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Re: MTB 638

Postby jonco » Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:30 pm

In the information above MTB 634 features prominently. The attached photo is from my late father's war-time album - do not know a date but I now believe he was on MTB 670 from Oct 44 to Jun 45. I will shortly post a separate topic on this. Sorry about photo quality probably taken with a box Brownie! The caption is a direct quote from the album
Off Tagliamento River - MTB 634 going alongside German `R' boat for surrender talks
Last edited by Admin on Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Resized photo to fit page better

Croatian Navy
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Re: MTB 638

Postby Croatian Navy » Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:31 pm

This is really great topic about MTB-638.
I am into researching about battle in night 11st October 1944 near coast of island of Vir. I wrote about that battle on another forum, but here is that story again: ... p=858#p858

Rita and I are on contact because I am writeing one text for one Croatian specialized magazine "Vojna povijest" - Military History. She gave me some facts about her father who got a medal for that battle.

Now I am pleased You all, who fathers were on MTB-638 on that night to contact me. Your fathers deserve to be mentioned in my text. Also childrens of members who were on MGB-662, MTB-634 and MTB-637 on that night, please contact me.

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Re: MTB 638

Postby retr » Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:49 pm

This photo shows a group of sailors, my dad (AB Joseph Vaughan) is on the right (the bit of skin!!!) does anybody recognise the other crew members at all?? would be interested to identify them. We think it was taken in Malta, but can not be sure.
Crew photo
Rita Moylan

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Re: MTB 638

Postby Croatian Navy » Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:59 pm

smurf55t wrote:Here is photo of the crew of MTB 638, which I think was taken in Malta. Chales Smorthit is third from the left in the middle row.
Can You please put this photo or send it to me in bigger resolution. I want to put it in my text and of course I would like to put Your name as a source.
Thank You

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Re: MTB 638

Postby retr » Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:54 am

Big Thanks to Brian Holmes for very detailed information, re: AB Joseph Vaughan -MTB 638 I am learning so much from the very helpful members of this forum. I can't tell you how grateful I am and all of the family too!

Does anybody recognise the crew in previous photo? my dad is on the right, don't know any of the others though, possibly Malta 1944

Kind Regards
Rita Moylan

Croatian Navy
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Re: MTB 638

Postby Croatian Navy » Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:17 pm

They have base on island of Vis in Adriatic in village called Komiža. But this is not Komiža. Later (from November 1944) they have bases on island of Ist in Adriatic and in town of Zadar and Ancona. Maybe it is Ancona.

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Re: MTB 638

Postby retr » Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:39 pm


Does anyone know where the names are of the crew to go with the photo of MTB 638 ????

We have the photo from Smurf55t, but surely somewhere the names must appear on some official documentation....any ideas???

Kind Regards
Rita Moylan

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Re: MTB 638

Postby jonco » Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:54 pm

Hi Rita,

The following is an extract from a reply by Admin to one of my posts:

`Imperial War Museum North has a book with complete crew lists and next of kin etc, compiled by the Senior Officer of SGB 4, and passed to the museum as part of a collection of his private papers. So that may be the only way crew lists were ever recorded, outside of official awards. '

I do not know how you actually access the above and was going to make enquiries - I will share any findings.

In a letter I received from Records Office they do stress that full records were not kept at that stage - very frustrating now but understandable in the circumstances.



Coiln (jonco)

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Re: MTB 638

Postby retr » Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:29 am

Hi Jonco

Thanks for that and would be very interesting to find out how and where etc!

MTB 638 crew photo has a couple of people we think we know but I am unsure if my dad is on it (but my brothers think he is 3rd from right in top row), it sounds strange but the only photos we have of him are very serious faced, and the crew photo is far more relaxed, so we are not sure.

Failing this, we assume he must have joined the crew at a later stage, or been injured etc. There was some talk that he had compassionate leave when his mother was seriously ill too. Either way, it would be great to find out.

Thanks for your help
Rita Moylan

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Re: MTB 638

Postby Pioneer » Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:47 pm

I think that your brothers may be right. If you zoom right in (Crtl +), there is a remarkable resemblance to the later image where you have identified him.

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Re: MTB 638

Postby Admin » Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:38 pm

Just to briefly clarify the issue of crew lists recorded within archives. Imperial Museum North at Salford happens to have the Log Book for SGB 4, which it has on display, and which is open on the page that gives details for its movements on D-Day. There is a crew list written in pencil by the Senior Officer (S.O.) of the boat, against which comments have been written — not all of them complimentary — presumably as notes to record on individual service records. There is also a notebook containing names of crew and next of kin. All of these documents were preserved by the officer concerned, and given to the museum as part of a collection of his private papers.

As far as I am aware, few if any of the Log Books for Coastal Forces craft have been preserved. When the war ended in 1945, there was a wholesale lay off of boats, and the S.Os doubtless walked off with these books, or else deposited them at the bases, from where they would have disappeared. Other records, such as the notebook of crew details made by the S.O. of SGB 4, would likely have been made by the S.O. of each boat, but they would not have been rounded up and kept.

Presumably, as with photographs of the crews, there must be a considerable amount of documentation still out there in the hands of relatives of one-time officers, while others may have passed into the hands of private collectors at some point, or else have been disposed of over the years. Hopefully in the fullness of time, more of these documents may emerge, and the information they contain shared, otherwise my understanding is that there is not a great deal of officially preserved documentation on the matter held within formal archives.

Imperial War Museum Online Collections
The crew list for SGB 4 from the Private Papers of Lieutenant Commander J C Erskine-Hill DSC VRD RNVR

Use the two small red boxes with arrows provided to cycle through other papers and photographs forming part of this collection.

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Re: MTB 638

Postby retr » Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:49 pm

Hi Pioneer and Admin, thanks for replies!

Again thank you for the explanation of what would have happened to crew documents etc. It makes sense I suppose of things and it proves the need for help like this website provides.

I have a question:
I have been made aware that there may be some relevant information on file in the National Archives, I have been given the file numbers and wondered if someone could tell me if family members would be allowed to access that information, and if so, would prior appointments need to be made? or is this not possible? I hope someone will be able to enlighten me on this.

I am still trying to identifying crew of MTB 638.

Kind Regards
Rita Moylan

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Re: MTB 638

Postby Admin » Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:26 pm

Hello Rita

The short answer to your question is that any member of the public can view materials held in the National Archive, but you will need to arrange for a reader's ticket. The National Archive is essentially like a big library, the only difference being that documents have to be brought to you at a desk, rather than you go and pick them off a shelf. You can order up to six documents in advance of your visit, so as they are ready for viewing as soon as you arrive. The link will take you to a section on the National Archive site which explains how everything works.


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Re: MTB 638

Postby retr » Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:45 am

Hi Admin

Thants great thanks, I am sure someone in our family will make the visit down to London from the Midlands within a few weeks. I will let you know if and what we discover from the files we have been told about.

Also, I am sure to recieve dads service record soon!!!! I think I am expecting to find a lot from this, but from reading other posts it can be pretty vague and not always easy to understand and as the logs were not kept on MTB 638 I expect there may be some gaps.

Kind Regards
Rita Moylan

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Re: MTB 638

Postby retr » Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:03 pm

Hi all,

As members of my family are becoming more interested in this topic relating to our late father serving on MTB 638 we wondered if there were any pictures of the boat, or any similar Fairmile D type motor torpedo boats, layouts and plans showing where the pom pom guns were located etc? it would be good to see how the crew managed on them too!

We learned that it was lost on passage in Malta 1946.

Kind Regards
Rita Moylan

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Re: MTB 638

Postby jonco » Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:29 pm


Have a look at MTB 670 post for photos of similar MTB. The following may also be of interest.
MTB 670 - Manfredonia.jpg
MTB 670 - Manfredonia
MTB 82
MTB 697 - heading for Zara.jpg
MTB 697 - heading for Zara
MTB 697 - leaving Malta.jpg
MTB 697 leaving Malta
Last edited by Admin on Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Edited image size of MTB 82 to fit page

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Re: MTB 638

Postby retr » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:42 am

Hi Jonco,

Thanks for those photos, they look great and very fast in the water too! I will check out the other post MTB 670 and have a look. They didn't have much protection on those little ships did they??? that makes them even braver in my book.

Do you know if they would have had a base? as dad took part in action in the Adriatic, I wondered where their supplies etc would come from, and in Malta too. It is very hard to understand how it all worked when you have so little knowledge, I just wish he had talked to us about it!

I am still waiting for his service record to come, this has been the longest 30 days ever... though I do understand they have to prioritise.

Keep posting

Kind Regards
Rita Moylan

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