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Dad's Navy Service ML 170 ML 575 Malta

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:48 pm
by Alan Gardner
I have just found this excellent forum.
I am researching my Dad's (1925-2009) wartime service (1943–1947).
I have some information from the Navy. He served as an O/S then A/B on ML 170 and ML 575, mainly around Malta.
I have photos of his HMS Collingwood class 1944, MTB 407, ML 554, ML 575, ML 176, HMS Sheffiled at Trieste and an ML (Fairmile B) engine room. I am happy to post these if anyone is interested.
I would also be very happy to receive any information about these ships and the flotilla they were in.
I believe that I can ask for ship's movements and actions from the Navy Historical Branch: I wuold be grateful to hear if anyone has had any experience of this process.
Alan Gardner

Re: Dad's Navy Service ML 170 ML 575 Malta

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:02 pm
by Jeffa4444
Also try World Naval Ships Forum. To post photographs go to Photographs their is a section for ML, MGB & MTB. My father was on ML 283 (among other craft) its shown their towards the end he also served from Malta so I would be interested to see your photographs. Experts here and on the other site have good historical data although not always complete.

Re: Dad's Navy Service ML 170 ML 575 Malta

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:35 am
by Pioneer
Alan Gardner wrote:I have just found this excellent forum.
I am researching my Dad's (1925-2009) wartime service (1943-1947).
I have some information from the Navy. He served as an O/S then A/B on ML 170 and ML 575, mainly around Malta.
I have photos of his HMS Collingwood class 1944, MTB 407, ML 554, ML 575, ML 176, HMS Sheffiled at Trieste and an ML (Fairmile B) engine room. I am happy to post these if anyone is interested.
I would also be very happy to receive any information about these ships and the flotilla they were in.
I believe that I can ask for ship's movements and actions from the Navy Historical Branch: I wuold be grateful to hear if anyone has had any experience of this process.
Alan Gardner
Hello Alan - Welcome aboard, very glad that you found us.
Your photographs can be posted here of course - we would be pleased to see them, just click on the 'Upload Attachment' at the bottom of any post that you make.

Re: Dad's Navy Service ML 170 ML 575 Malta

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:51 pm
by Brian Holmes
ML_170 Aldous Successors Ltd, Brightlingsea 1/41
For minesweeping in the Northern Adriatic 4 -5/45
DSC TLt Ronald Harry Boulter RNVSR
MID POMtrMch Walter Frederick Butler P/MX99044

Known Crew
TLt Ronald Harry Boulter RNVSR
SLt Wallington (1943)
Mid W R Tyldesley (November 1943)
POMtrMch Walter Frederick Butler P/MX99044

Wartime Activities
9th ML Flotilla
ML 169, ML 170, ML 172, ML 173, ML 174, ML 175, ML 176 and ML 178
15/7/41 Flotilla arrives in Gibraltar ML 178 joins later
17/2/44 ML 170 and ML 173 obtain a firm ASDIC contact off Cape Spartel. ML 173 drops two patterns of depth charges whilst ML 170 stands by to attack with torpedoes should a U Boat be forced to surface. Wreckage is observed. A destroyer arrives after a couple of hours and makes a depth charge attack. The contact is believed to be a wreck. ML 173 suffers shock damage to pipework causing flooding but returns to base.
Minesweeping in the Northern Adriatic 4 -5/45

Post War Fate
5/46 For disposal

ML_575 Johnson & Jago, Leigh on Sea, Essex 2/2/43
Birthday Honours 1945
MID APO Herbert Henry James Wade P/JX274173

Wind up of the war in Europe (Gazette Date - 11/12/45)
DSC TLt John Norman Barfield SANF(V)

Known Crew
TLt John Norman Barfield SANF(V)
APO Herbert Henry James Wade P/JX274173

Wartime Activities
10/7/43 Operation Husky – Invasion of Sicily
22/1/44 Operation Shingle Landings at Anzio

Post War Fate
7/56 Sold

Re: Dad's Navy Service ML 170 ML 575 Malta

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:16 pm
by Alan Gardner
Thank you all for the replies, and especially to Brian Holmes for the ship information.
I have tried to upload my photos, but the limit is 256KB and mine are 500-1000KB. I will see if I can save them at a lower resolution.

Re: Dad's Navy Service ML 170 ML 575 Malta

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:32 pm
by Alan Gardner
Here are photos of MTB 407, ML 575 and ML 554, ML 176, and the engine room of, I think, ML 575
I have higher resolution versions if anyone wants them
MTB 407 Malta
ML 575 and ML 554 Malta
ML 176 Malta Harbour
ML Engine Room

Re: Dad's Navy Service ML 170 ML 575 Malta

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:26 pm
by Brian Holmes
Sorry, I missed MTB 407

MTB_407 Robert Jacob Inc, City Island, New York 30/8/44
For attacks on enemy shipping off Istria 7/2/45
MID TSLt Dennis Wyndham Hudson RNVR

For a torpedo attack on an enemy convoy in the Gulf of Venice 12/4/45
DSC TLt Hubert Charles Houssemayne Du Boulay RNVR
DSM AB John Francis McCormick P/JX335304
MID LSea William Kyffin Tullock D/JX206214

Known Crew
TLt Hubert Charles Houssemayne DuBoulay RNVR HMS Midge 17/10/41 First Lieutenant MTB 71 10/07/42 First Lieutenant and Commanding Officer MTB 243 Commanding Officer MTB 407 31/10/44 DSC 1945 Born 1920 in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
TSLt Dennis Wyndham Hudson RNVR (First Lieutenant)
LSea William Kyffin Tullock D/JX206214
AB John Francis McCormick P/JX335304

Wartime Activities
30/08/44 Transferred to Royal Navy under lend lease
28th MTB Flotilla
7-8/2/45 Attack on enemy shipping off Istria. MTB 404, MTB 406 and MTB 407 are on patrol west of Parenzo lying stopped off Port Daila.
2000 - two small Radar echoes are detected at 2000yds. MTB 404, MTB 406 and MTB 407 close on silenced engines believing the contacts to be fishing boats. An aircraft, with navigation lights on, approaches from astern and MTB 404, MTB 406 and MTB 407 stop in an attempt to avoid being spotted. A much larger Radar echo is detected and this is shortly afterwards sighted and identified as a corvette which opens inaccurate fire. The corvette turns to port towards the coast.
2014 - MTB 404, MTB 406 and MTB 407 fire torpedoes and disengage to port at 12 kts. MTB 406 suffers a misfire. Two hits are observed followed by an explosion before the corvette sinks. MTB 404, MTB 406 and MTB 407 are engaged by gunfire from four points. They detect another Radar contact around two miles from the corvette, stop to assess damage and MTB 407 appears to be in trouble. MTB 407 is hit forward below the waterline. Under way the hole is out of the water but, having stopped, the boat is flooding. MTB 407 makes temporary repairs and departs for a rendezvous point. MTB 406 has repaired the misfire and MTB 404 and MTB 406 close the new Radar contact.
2035 - MTB 406 fires her remaining torpedo hitting the target and triggering two explosions. MTB 404 and MTB 406 rendezvous with MTB 407 which has made three feet of water forward. MTB 404, MTB 406 and MTB 407 return to Ancona at high speed keepin MTB 407’s holed bow out of the water. MTB 407 leads to avoid being swamped by a wash.
12-3/2/45 MTB 404, MTB 405 and MTB 407, on patrol off Carole, sink the Italian steamer Mediceo of 5,083 tons.
9-10/3/45 MTB 405, MTB 406 and MTB 407 sink a merchant ship off Umago.
10-1/3/45 MTB 404, MTB 406 and MTB 407 depart Ancona for a patrol between Carole and Tagliemento. A Radar echo is detected and MTB 404, MTB 406 and MTB 407 shadow the target and get into a firing position close to the Venice swept channel.
2342 - a Flak Lighter is sighted at 1500 yards on the port bow and MTB 407 is ordered to attack. MTB 407 can not see the target and MTB 406, in visual contact with the target fires her starboard torpedo at 2345 from 1000 yds. More Flak Lighters are sighted and MTB 404, MTB 406 and MTB 407 turn to starboard to engage. MTB 404 fires both torpedoes at the fourth craft in line. MTB 407 fires at the second and third in line. MTB 406 fires her remaining torpedo at the last in line. MTB 404, MTB406 and MTB 407 turn to starboard and disengage at 12 kts. There are six explosions and five contacts are seen to disappear from Radar.
12/4/45 Torpedo attack on an enemy convoy in the Gulf of Venice

Post War Fate
10/11/45 Returned United States Navy
1/4/46 US Army
19/02/47 Sold

Re: Dad's Navy Service ML 170 ML 575 Malta

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:58 pm
by Alan Gardner
Thank you for MTB 407 as well

Re: Dad's Navy Service ML 170 ML 575 Malta

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 4:26 pm
by jpfoynes
My late father helped build ML 170 at Aldous's yard, Brightlingsea.
Do you by any remote chance have any photo, document etc which shows her--with or without crew--soon after she was built? She would have stayed for a few weeks at B'sea equipping and working up prior to joining an operational flotilla. Even a copy of his service record for 1941 would be of interest. In this Brightlingsea would be listed as HMS Nemo. Many thanks.

PS I have written a few books about the Navy on the East Coast, as J P Foynes or Julian Foynes (see British Library, Imperial War Museum or Amazon websites for bona fides). Hence the interest.