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Royal Navy records on MTBs

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:46 pm
by krisbrookz
Hello everybody, good to know the site is still going,I thought it had gone, maybe that was the old site. You kindly helped me in 2009 to find dad's war record and identify the badges on his uniform, one of them being combinedops, of which I'd never heard, but I certainly have now, then just last week I learnt Coastal Forces was not a general term but indeed a seperate entity within the RN, so now I need your help again!

I'm very happy with all I've learnt about dad's life in the last 4 years but of course it's never enough and I've been amazed by the records I've read since finding you again, if you can add anything it would be wonderful. All he ever said was.. " I was on MTBs " that and his favourite story when he'd had a couple about being promoted,celebrating and falling off the plank into "the drink" going back on board. Dad died in 1970.

Many thanks