Searching for information on great uncle Leonard 'Lennie' Lincoln

Enquiries relating to individual men and women who served with HM Light Coastal Forces; help with interpreting service records, or with tracing former comrades
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Searching for information on great uncle Leonard 'Lennie' Lincoln

Postby Burdon999 » Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:58 pm

I'm new to this site. I have recently traced all my family information on my great grandfathers contribution to the first world war. I am now trying to uncover any information on my grandfathers brothers contribution to World war 2.
I know he was on an MTB boat (Vosper Thornycroft i think). His name was Leonard "Lennie" Lincoln. I think he was a lieutenant.
Any help pointing me in the right direction would be great.


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Re: Searching for information on great uncle Leonard 'Lennie' Lincoln

Postby Admin » Mon Aug 29, 2016 3:38 am

Hello Michael

Thanks for your enquiry. I've taken the liberty of removing your other post as it was a duplicate of this, to prevent replies to the one enquiry ending up in two different places.

During the period of the Second World War, Vosper and Thornycroft were two separate companies, both manufacturing motor torpedo boats, with Vosper the more significant of the two, and they only merged to become Vosper Thornycroft in 1966.

I've not managed to find any record of a Leonard Lincoln on the Unit Histories web site's lists of Royal Navy, Royal Naval Reserve, and Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Officers, nor in any of the Navy Lists I have, though I don't have them all by any means, as there were several lists produced for each year throughout the war years. He's not in our awards database, nor in the old membership list for the Coastal Forces Veterans Association either, so no leads I'm afraid.


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Re: Searching for information on great uncle Leonard 'Lennie' Lincoln

Postby Burdon999 » Tue Aug 30, 2016 10:59 am


Thanks for the reply. I have discovered he was called Alfred Leonard Lincoln. I will try and search for him using other sites.
If I get an answer I will let you know.

I do remember seeing photos of him at the gunnery school and him wearing a cap. I know he was at least a Sub.
Thank you for your time.



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Joined: Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:40 pm

Re: Searching for information on great uncle Leonard 'Lennie' Lincoln

Postby Admin » Wed Aug 31, 2016 3:33 am

Thanks Michael, good luck with your search. You might also consider applying for his service records from the Royal Navy Disclosure Cell.

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