ML 446

Motor Launches (ML), Harbour Defence Motor Launches (HDML) & Rescue Motor Launches (RML)
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ML 446

Postby RogerFentem » Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:01 am

ML446 was built by my grandfather. The only operation she took a part in was Chariot. Her fate was to be scuttled by one of the Hunt class frigates charged with ensuring the safety of that brave flotilla. I am trying to compile a history of each of the MLs, MGBs, and MTBs grandfather built. Sadly I cannot find any photo of ML446. My plea is to the cfv community for anyone with a photo or knowledge of where I can get one.
Thank you, Roger
Last edited by Admin on Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Adjusted title for clarity

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Re: ML 446

Postby Admin » Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:24 am

Hello Roger

Thank you for your enquiry. I have checked my own resources and also Allied Coastal Forces: Volume 1: Fairmile Designs by John Lambert but have had no luck with this particular launch, though someone else may be in a position to contribute.

Just out of interest the Imperial War Museum (IWM) has a sound recording of Thomas O'Leary who served as telegraphist aboard ML 446 during St Nazaire Raid.


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Re: ML 446

Postby RogerFentem » Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:58 pm

Thank you so much for the link to the oral history. I did not know about the Appeldore link nor the brush with an E-boat. I look forward to others who may have a link to a photo.

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Re: ML 446

Postby bobcchiro » Sun Apr 12, 2020 1:39 pm

Bonjour again Roger
I got the whole thing wrong when I emailed you. Your interest is ML446 whereas mine is ML466 - it's my age and eyesight. However if you have any interest in the information I have please get in touch.

Bob C

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Re: ML 446

Postby RogerFentem » Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:12 am

Thanks for the message, I cannot find the email you mention but I am interested, I too have often grabbed at mentions of 466 thinking it was 446 ... I guess I am saying I am interested, I have collected info from a wide field.

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Re: ML 446

Postby Admin » Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:38 am

Hello Bob and welcome to the forum.

I am posting the one piece of info I have on ML 466 and would be grateful to receive any information or photographs you may have to add to our archive if you wouldn't mind emailing them to our info@ address. This obituary comes from the Dulwich College Roll of Honour and reads:

Dulwich College Roll of Honour
Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
Born November 4, 1914. He was the younger brother of R. L. Smith (O.A.) and on leaving Dulwich went to the Legal and General Assurance Society, where he remained until called up at the outbreak of war. Early in 1939 he had obtained his A.C.I.I. Having joined the R.N.V.R. in February 1939 he served as an ordinary signalman on a minesweeper until commissioned as a sub-lieutenant in February 1941, soon after which he went out to Lagos as second-in-command of a M.L. and was given command of this ship sometime later that year. He was promoted lieutenant in February 1942 and after returning to this country in the spring of 1943 he served short periods on M.T.B.s and M.G.B.s and was later given command of another M.L. operating in the Orkneys and from Dover. In 1944 he went over to the other side and took part in the Flushing landing. He is presumed to have been killed in action in March 1945. He was mentioned in Despatches for courage, skill and devotion to duty whilst serving in light coastal forces in the destruction of enemy submarines and midget submarines.

Charles Maclennan Smith K.I.A. Walcheren.png
Lieutenant Charles Maclennan Smith
Charles Maclennan Smith K.I.A. Walcheren.png (549.72 KiB) Viewed 20519 times

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