The Broad Fourteens — Vosper MTBs on Film

Motor Torpedo Boats (MTB)
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The Broad Fourteens — Vosper MTBs on Film

Postby Admin » Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:10 am

This wonderful short film from the IWM is a dramatisation made at close of war in 1945, but featuring actual personnel of Light Coastal Forces — and a great set of characters they are too! The story-line illustrates the typical workload of Coastal Forces in the North Sea, from long, cold, uneventful patrols, to a night-time hunt for a German coastal convoy, and a sudden and violent clash with E-boats. If you ever wanted to know what these boats sounded like at full throttle, or see exactly how their crews went about their business, then here’s your chance!

Geoffrey M Hudson, Honorary Historian, Coastal Forces Veterans Association (CFVA) has provided some additional background information on the film. The boats featured include 70’ Vosper 1942 class boats, 70’ British Power Boat motor gunboats and MTB 210 — a J Samuel White-built 70’ Vosper which later joined the 13th MTB Flotilla at Dover. The fictional MTB 181 is probably MTB 352, commanded by Lieutenant John M Moore RNVR which joined the 11th MTB Flotilla at Felixstowe after completing her work up. Also featured is MTB 354, commanded by Lieutenant Roland Plugge RN which was the SO's boat, 5th MTB Flotilla, at Dover. The German flak trawler is in fact an RN Isles Class trawler standing in.

The film is called The Broad Fourteens

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Re: The Broad Fourteens — Vosper MTBs on Film

Postby JamesDargie » Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:53 pm

Now I wonder - could Geoffrey M Hudson, Honorary Historian, Coastal Forces Veterans Association (CFVA) be the author of a now very faded photocopy of a handwritten document dated 31.7.87 and initialled GMH relating to the 13th MTB Flotilla? I would love a copy of this document that is still readable.... it details the locations of the different boats in the 13th Flotilla on various dates from their build through to 1/10/45

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