
East Lancashire Branch October 2009

Written by East Lancashire Branch | Posted on 21st October 2009

Due to his continued absence on sick leave following his accident, Secretary Len Mears DSM reported that his ‘Report’ had been prepared by Chairman Frank Hayworth. Frank was also was responsible for carrying out all the other business normally down to Len. Due to bad weather, infirmity etc the Branch could claim a record for this meeting: the attendance was the lowest ever, namely 3 stalwarts! Frank was sad to report that shipmate Bill Russell had died ten days or so ago. He was one of their regular attendees and he will be missed and remembered. Frank then gave details of the Big Lottery offer to WW2 Veterans. Sadly, the offer comes too late for many of us, but he urged those members who were able to travel back to their ‘battle areas’ to take advantage of this generous offer, which open for ‘Return’ trips 2009 or 2010. Phone Heroes Return2 Helpline : 0845 00 00 121. He hoped that the next meeting, on the 20th September, will show a better turnout. Len assured us that he has every intention of attending that meeting.